Now, I'm not saying that coming of age in the first half of the 70's was unfortunate, just that there have been other eras in which the possibilities for intellectual stimulation, as well as a wider range of planes of pleasure, were more abundant.
Assorted verse, analyses, opinions and instructions on how to improve the Multiverse.
Thursday, 16 December 2021
Alternative Lifetimes
Friday, 3 December 2021
End The Debate Already!!
Monday, 29 November 2021
Your Host of Ghosts
Friday, 19 November 2021
Tuesday, 12 October 2021
The Log In Your Eye Is Trump
Wednesday, 18 August 2021
The Span of a Man
Friday, 13 August 2021
The Statue of Libertines
Cacophony of Thought
Monday, 9 August 2021
How I Will Give Up Sleep
All Vikings Volunteer
Sunday, 8 August 2021
On the Abrahamic God
Thursday, 22 July 2021
Twilight Rhyme
Thursday, 15 July 2021
About January 6th, 2021 <sigh>
Friday, 2 July 2021
Society and Suicide
As a multi-method, multiple suicide attempt survivor, I would like to tell you two things (not about assistance since that's been covered), the second of which may sound counterintuitive.
1) Depression does not necessarily lead to a suicide attempt but it can make life more miserable than I can describe in a few words.
2) One does not have to be in a depressed state in order to commit suicide. A person can logically talk themselves into it, most often as the only possible solution to a problem, whether this is objectively true or false. This means that there may be no advance warning to others. As the Lou Reed lyric goes, "suicides don't need notes."
2b) This all suggests that you should be even closer to those who you are close to you and, as a society, we need to increase the level of interpersonal communication and communal care of individuals. If you don't know even the names of your neighbours, that alone demonstrates a deficiency in our society. On a world with seven billion inhabitants there should be no strangers.
Thursday, 1 July 2021
Haiku #374
Haiku #373
Monday, 14 June 2021
Biblical History Mystery
Sunday, 13 June 2021
The Will to Kill
Friday, 11 June 2021
Biden's European Debut
Biden: "In other words we must maintain and expand the reach of democracy by force." That is a translation of the core of Biden's speech. It is noteworthy that the first people the President spoke to were the soldiers who man but one base in the world spanning American military empire. They may well have to depend on that empire considering China is leading a multinational effort to expand the global infrastructure network in order to facilitate trade. The US is not involved and that may come back to bite them in a big way in the future. One American talking point that's an obvious lie is the narcissistic claim that the USA is the "best" country in the world. About the only field that the US does excel in is in their capacity to shape the world into their desired form through war or the threat of it. They never let an opportunity to advertise their military slip through their fist. They also hold the record for "interventions," the usual result of which topples a democratically elected socialist government and replaces it with an extremely right-wing authoritarian dictator. The only reason that the US joined in the battle against the Nazis in WWII was their fear that the Nazis might build an empire larger than the one that America hoped to build for themselves.
"Biden's speech" is the first one he gave when he landed in Germany for some meetings including (concluding, actually) one with Putin. Let's hope Biden doesn't start WWIII. It would not be a bad idea at all if American presidents learned and practiced playing chess before they meet with their Russian counterparts.
Sunday, 16 May 2021
The Water Wars
Real (Israeli) Estate
Israel should not exist, at least not in the Middle East. After WWII, Israel should have been carved out of Germany. Today Israel should be treated like South Africa while the sanctions were in place to try to end apartheid. And make no mistake, Israel treats the Palestinians like the South Africans treated their black population. The US should stop arming the Israelis and enabling their crimes against humanity. Germany was (arguably) an atheist nation under the Nazis. Israel is a state run by Jewish Nazis. And every time the USA has a Republican administration they are in the same condition. Do the Democrats behave any differently? Time has blurred the line between the two parties making the topic suitable for very juicy debate. Something that cannot be argued is that the Palestinians got buggered in 1949 when Israel was shoehorned into the Middle East onto land they had a mythical connection to, destabilising the entire region. They may just as well have established Israel in Atlantis.
New World Christianity
Thursday, 29 April 2021
Haiku #372
Wednesday, 28 April 2021
Haiku #371
Saturday, 17 April 2021
Modern Life
Our Lady Heroin…
Friday, 2 April 2021
Wednesday, 31 March 2021
Tuesday, 30 March 2021
Thursday, 4 March 2021
Haiku #368
Tuesday, 23 February 2021
Emotional Fitness
Taking The Long View
The Measure of Pain
Haiku #367
Thursday, 18 February 2021
My Eldritch Witch
To Specialise or Not?
I believe that the worst legacy that can be attributed to the 20th century is specialisation, a process by which a person’s education is continuously narrowed in scope as they climb the cursus honorum of their chosen field of study. Generally speaking, this produces a person who is highly knowledgeable in one field but has only a familiarity with other subjects.
In stark contrast to this approach to education is the 19th century’s production of what we can call “generalists.” While the student could still emphasise a particular subject, this was not done to the detriment of one’s exposure to, or study of, other subjects. The idea of the Renaissance man was still alive and well, though the nomenclature may have changed. Consider the specialist’s brain as being represented by a bowl of peanuts. Whether you pick out one or a handful, you will only ever get peanuts. Now picture the generalists brain as a bowl of mixed nuts and fruits. Whether you pull out one or a handful, every time you do it you will get a different mix. Now replace every type of nut and fruit with a different branch of knowledge. Having a working knowledge of numerous different fields within one brain makes possible something that is not a trait of a specialist’s brain: cross-fertilisation. When you have a working knowledge of a number of different fields of study, cross-fertilisation can take an idea from, let’s say history, and apply it to predictive sociology. Or, perhaps a notion from musical theory can bring a new perspective on the study of the patterns of high altitude wind currents.
It is so much more difficult for a specialist to achieve a truly novel breakthrough than it is for a generalist, who has a head full of seemingly unconnected facts but, just as increasing the number of connections between neurones leads to a more active brain, the interactions between unconnected fields of knowledge can cause connections to be made, integrated and either applied or used as a ladder or route to something never even conceived of before.
Given the choice I would choose generalisation over specialisation any day that the chance presented itself.