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Sunday, 16 May 2021

The Water Wars

Canada has never been a pro-nuclear weapons country but it's been too long since long term planning has been done. If we do not get a strong and effective grip on climate change, Canada should put safeguards in place against US invasion intended to gain control of the supplies of fresh water.
The USA is blind to its own environmental crimes. For generations they have been emptying a massive and critical South-Western aquifer in large part to maintain golf courses growing in a desert. The standard answer to "why" (do this) is "because we can." All's fair in love, war and greed. Just imagine spraying a desert continuously for decades to keep unnatural lawns growing where they should not exist and then bleating out "why me?" when you complain that the faucets of LA are dry. Self awareness is not an American strength. Science has been warning about the draining of that great aquifer for a long time. It took over 100,000 years to create and yet humans have managed to bring its end into view in (very) approximately 100 years.
Back to Canada and the coming Water Wars. That Canada could not prevent a US invasion is obvious. The only way to prepare for an attempt to divert Canadian fresh water supplies southwards (where they would still be watering golf courses in oceans of sand) would be to make the water undesirable. Nuclear weapons, big ones, should be placed at intervals throughout the Great Lakes and sunk into the glaciers that provide meltwater from north of Vancouver and down through the interior of BC. If the US armed forces come for the water of The Great White North, at the push of a button, there will be no water left that would be worth the name.
Ain't the future, or at least speculating about the future, fun? I'm sure that all kinds of plans already exist on shelves in deep locked rooms. This one (which I name "H2-No") is merely one more and it doesn't even call for any technology that doesn't already exist. Simple yet effective.

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