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Friday, 2 July 2021

Society and Suicide

As a multi-method, multiple suicide attempt survivor, I would like to tell you two things (not about assistance since that's been covered), the second of which may sound counterintuitive.

1) Depression does not necessarily lead to a suicide attempt but it can make life more miserable than I can describe in a few words.

2) One does not have to be in a depressed state in order to commit suicide. A person can logically talk themselves into it, most often as the only possible solution to a problem, whether this is objectively true or false. This means that there may be no advance warning to others. As the Lou Reed lyric goes, "suicides don't need notes."

2b) This all suggests that you should be even closer to those who you are close to you and, as a society, we need to increase the level of interpersonal communication and communal care of individuals. If you don't know even the names of your neighbours, that alone demonstrates a deficiency in our society. On a world with seven billion inhabitants there should be no strangers.

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