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Monday, 25 January 2021

Co$t Of The Capitol Coup (Attempt)

Trump appears to be reaching for the kind of power enjoyed by his friend Vladimir Putin. If Donny Boy does not end up sentenced to prison for a term commensurate with his crimes, the US will be internationally viewed as being little better than the countries it loudly criticises. America has lost all pretence of standing on the moral high ground thanks to the actions of a mob of its own citizens, their leaders and their coaches, on this January the 6th, and by the simultaneous too-little-too-late response of its government. Without rapid, drastic, remedial action, this stain on America’s reputation will become as permanent as a birthmark.

(In related news.…)

The impact of a leader’s (in this case a President’s) words increase in inverse proportion to the level of education of their audience. So, is it at all surprising that out of the American government’s massive budget, education gets but thirty pieces of silver? The more ignorant (meaning “lacking in information,” not “stupid”) the populace, that much easier it is to steer them.

(Some days later…)

So, Trumpty Dumpty has now been impeached off of his wall twice. If he is not finally convicted in the Senate and in a Federal criminal trial, sentenced and put in an orange jumpsuit (which would match his bronzer), what will The Trump Disaster amount to? A bad reputation for him in history books? He’s guaranteed that already. No, it would all become meaningless. Unless, of course, he is forever barred from holding public office ever again. That alone would be some small measure of justice which, though prudent, would be insufficient on its own. It would be fun to bar him from ever HAVING an office again but that’s just a daydream with a grin.


About Trump’s speech after his second impeachment: too little, too late and totally duplicitous. Just as the Nazi’s SS was declared to be an illegal organisation, in the cause of justice, at the Nuremberg trials, so should the GOP be treated, also in the cause of justice.

1 comment:

  1. Biden has said he fully expects that the Impeachment trial will fail to convict Trump, I assume because Republicans are still too afraid afraid of their psychotic and vindictive "chosen one" to do anything but toe the line.
    Sadly that means the only thing the trial will confirm to the world and to future potential presidents is that in America, if your balls are big enough and you are corrupt enough there is NOTHING a president can't get away with.


