Blog Archive

Monday, 14 December 2020


By my will I’ll 
Employ my craft 
With fine-honed axe
And shaping adze.
For a shipwright 
Am I, and it is said 
That if you’d sail
‘Cross lake or sea, 
I’m the man you’ve 
Need to hail.
I’m also he who will,
With wood and occult 
Binding spells,
Build for thee the final
Ship you’ll ever need,
Made to finely fit
The human form. 
With it Gjöll you’ll ford,
With your shield and 
Spear and shining sword,
To feast with Gods and 
Stand with them, 
Heroes all, afore the doors 
Of Valhalla’s hallowed halls.
Quaff your final horn of mead,
Speak if you’ve a final rede
Then gather ‘bout Odin all,
Gods and men standing tall 
Who from blood-soaked 
Fields Valkyries chose,
Dead the flesh left to mould. 
Now sounds Heimdallr’s Horn, 
That long awaited battle call,
As peals of thunder bless 
The marching horde, in this 
Preordained final 

Sunday, 6 December 2020

On War

Is it the fault of Hollywood or something else but a lot of civilians don’t understand that war is all about kill or be killed and it is a definite bonus to tilt that ratio to your own benefit whenever and however you can. War has nothing to do with with polite knights and some fantasy of chivalry. That is why soldiers took the collapsible field shovels (“entrenching tools”) they were issued and sharpened their edges into blades. If a soldier does not do that he or she is depriving themselves of a weapon that just might save them in a tight spot.
As for a reputation as being brutal and unrelenting warriors, it is that reputation that could (and did for the Canadians in WWI) result in bloodless victories. The term “shock trooper” was first coined by the Germans in WWI to describe the Canadians, who reduced their casualties because at times the Germans would avoid contact rather than engage.
Check out the 3 part series “Far From Home” for a look at the experiences of the Canadian Expeditionary Force in World War I.
And just btw, those who believe that they can set rules for war are well intentioned fools. Since it first began war has always had one and only one rule: victory. If you don’t intend to win, don’t waste lives by even getting started.

Wednesday, 2 December 2020


I have 198 apps on my phone and what do I do with it? Mostly surf YouTube all day. Either I’ve lost my mind or the internet has lost its way. “Effortless” is now synonymous with “mindless.” Today’s internet is something that I am slowly learning to hate.

Monday, 23 November 2020


A strange night ends
In meaningless morning.
Sebastian plays calming 
Chords just out of sight
But, I’m confused again:
Which of us is 
Truly playing?
Who’s the composer 
And who is composed?
And what have I lost?
At first I thought a script,
Then, the refined runes
Of a score which 
No one was keeping.
A musical notation to 
Fix the melodic pose,
The harmonic of 
The underclothes. 
Tweak and trim until 
It’s time to leave 
And we’re dressed to kill.
The sheet upon the 
Podium gleams pristine 
Stripped of its notes, 
Leaving but lines 
On paper 
In black distress.

Tuesday, 3 November 2020

America: Election 2020

I’m not sure that ironic is quite the right word but there are folks in America who fear a race war depending on how the election plays out. 
A race war is precisely what Charles Manson wanted to ignite. What a vindication it would be were he to be proven a prophet.

Wednesday, 14 October 2020

Antifa: Trump’s Invisible Enemy

Antifa is not an organisation, not even a loose coalition. Antifa is an idea: anti-fascism or, more broadly, anti-authoritarianism. You cannot round up and arrest an idea or a concept and, in the case of anti-fascism, even if it was possible why would you want to? Unless you are a fascist. But it isn’t possible, just like you can’t imprison democracy. I would like to know who invented the contraction “antifa,” and why. It has certainly not made political dialogue any easier. In fact, it has achieved the exact opposite. It seems that the majority of people DO believe in the existence of an organised party called “Antifa.” Congratulations, whoever you are. One of the first steps in controlling a population is to feed them disinformation, in order to modify their thinking to better conform to your party’s line. An undereducated population unused to critical thinking is the best material out of which to sculpt the society of your dreams and, in the USA, you have a large population perfectly suited to being herded.

Tuesday, 6 October 2020


Ms Daphne Alphabet 
Chartered a Lear-brand jet
Saw a man she’d never met
Found the love she’d never get 
Lived a life with no regrets 
Smiled a bit once touched by Death 
Blew Her a kiss with her last breath 

Gould Inclusion

For all of the civility and sophistication the Western World has chosen to associate with “classical” music, fans of it do appear to wax rabid at any hint of controversy. Do they know that Bach didn’t have a radio in his living room? And that what today we call “classical” music was effectively pop music at the time when it was composed. They didn’t have hit singles but there was a brisk trade in sheet music. Write a good piece and as soon as word of it got ‘round, everyone with the means wanted their own copy. It has always paid to be popular.…

Tuesday, 29 September 2020

Night Vision

Sun long set, in these
Small hours I sit
Watching the darkness.
And what does 
My lonely vigil win?
Over and in the 
Still black lake 
Doubled stars spin
Along with the moon
And its identical twin.
I don’t hear the waves,
I hear but my heart,
So with beauty overfilled,
That this nocturnal vision,
Merely by its sacred sight
Might well cause 
My awed heart’s
Into parts.

Monday, 28 September 2020

Dining Awhile

“I hope that Madame and Monsieur find our dishes to be satisfactory?”

“Oh, I do! I haven’t even seen these dishes in a sack o’ dog years! They are just SO lovely!”

“Madame is too kind. I believe we’ve had these from the beginning. As we say, Melmac’s the platter that matters!”

Sunday, 27 September 2020

Heard In Passing

“Turn left up here.
  To see the falls.”

“But I’ve already seen the falls.”

“No, you have not.”

Wednesday, 23 September 2020

Greta and Gaia

Beau on Greta’s speech of a year ago:

The relevancy of that message operates just like the Doomsday Clock. Every day that passes without proactive action against climate change is one more tic of that biological clock towards the point of no return. Then there will be no more warnings, no more moving speeches, nowhere to run and hide. 
Instead, we will be the first sentient species on Earth to have earned the dubious distinction of watching ourselves become extinct for reasons that we are not only responsible for but which ourselves predicted decades in advance. You cannot assign blame for our doom on any particular country or region, because this coming catastrophe carries communal blame, for acts of commission and omission. 
But though we stand on the precipice, we’ve yet to step over it. You know what you must do; it’s been talked about for ages. And you still have time to act.
But not much.…

Who Does Not Race Cannot Lose

Curiosity is the bait.
Details are the weight.
Passion hides the hook.
Hazy is the sight of those 
who rashly race for wisdom.

Thursday, 17 September 2020

America, I Salute Thee!

I have to say that I really do admire many Americans. Were I to have been born in that star-crossed nation, with a dough-covered deep-fat fried elephant’s rectum on a stick masquerading as President, I would have emigrated 2 or 3 years ago. That so many American residents still believe that there’s a chance to build a life in the USA and on this planet is, if nothing else, admirable. What exactly is the catafalque that supports this faith in a future I do not know but, I take my hat off in a salute to the US of A, a country that has never let mere facts impede their progress as they crawl towards whatever it is that the future will bring!

Wednesday, 16 September 2020


If the night
Is moonless
Is starless
Do you believe 
The sky’s still there?

(To say that the night is dark strikes me as rather redundant.)

Saturday, 12 September 2020

Gods Of The Whirled

From the corners four 
The Divine arrive
To tryst once more; 
To create and hear
Music for the spheres. 
Pan picks up his pipes, 
Plays disjointed parts.
Still more to imbibe
Til Pan’s set to start; 
Mars beats on his drum,
A true martial air 
Which Venus contrasts 
With a whistling wind 
O’er waves that do crash
And in crashing, rhyme
With the clashing below 
Where Vulcan forges
Great gifts to bestow 
‘Pon gods and mortals
When Chronos says so.
Now Zeus has arrived 
A lyre held in hand, 
Orders are given 
To that holy band 
Gathered for reasons 
But gods understand, 
Yet all assembled 
Send songs up on high.
Tuned tones from gods fly;
Tones keep heaven’s order,
Keep the spheres in place. 
We can but wonder:
Do the equations 
We’ve struggled to trace
Truly exist?
Or are they and we
Some steps removed 
From all we seem to see,
From real reality?

Friday, 11 September 2020

A Life Affair

Romeo and Juliet, 
Once they loved, 
We can’t forget. 
If the sky could 
Tell its tale 
They’d lie there still, 
Cold and pale.
The ashes of their
Phoenix love 
Both blessed and 
Cursed from high above. 
Be they doves or 
Something more, 
Their mem’ries shall
Ne’er glide past
Death’s dark door.

Our Covidian Culture

I have a Covid-19 contact warning on my phone now. The basic functionality was installed as an update to the iPhone, which knows what country you are in and who/what the responsible authority is. If I were to leave Finland I would just add my new location to the Exposure Notification monitor. The update was installed maybe a month ago (I wouldn’t trust my memory to hold onto a brick of glue). Today I installed the official Finnish Covid app. It didn’t do anything spectacular. A two week FIFO exposure memory became active; nothing special beyond that.
Reading the tiny text only confirmed my first doubts about the system. The entire scheme is based on two premises: 1) Ideally, everybody has a smartphone, which is a problem for some of the most vulnerable people: the elderly and young children. 2) Like capitalism and communism, in order to succeed you need a completely selfless and honest populace. If your phone could independently detect whether you are infected or not, that would be a quantum leap forwards for the efficacy of the system but, no, the phone owners have to voluntarily tell the system about their diagnosis. Every attempt at setting up a social utopia on Earth has failed. And they have failed because a perfect society will only work if the society’s members are perfect. 
I put this self-protection software on my phone but I don’t expect to get a single alert. An illusion of safety for the masses, masses that won’t even wear a mask. They are not even worth the labour or the cost it would take to save them. Just give them a free sample of a new flavour of Kool-Aid.

Tuesday, 8 September 2020

Homo Continuous

Every generation of humankind has thought of itself as living in the modern age, believing that its version of the past really happened and that its future is actually possible.

Geopolitical Conflict

When considering the shifting conflicts between the various nations covering our communal planet, one must ask which is more important: a particular way of life or life itself?

Monday, 31 August 2020


Spatter, splatter, 
Bloody froth o’er mud
Covers the slain
Of our campaign.
This killing zone,
Forever home.

A Strange Man in a Strange Land

(We begin with a description of how to correctly pronounce the name of my assigned social worker and medical liaison, Tiina.)

Btw, since, in Finnish, the pronunciation of vowels never changes; all vowels are pronounced like the short vowel sounds in English; there are no silent letters; the primary stess in a word is on the first syllable (whereas in English it is on the second, which explains most of the mispronunciations of my name); because of all the foregoing, the pronunciation of Tiina’s name is close to the following: TII-na. The capital letters are the stress on “Tii,” which rhymes with the English “Tea,” because a double vowel only lengthens the sound. One “i” would be like the “i” in “single” or “little;” the sound is longer in “tea.”
The second/final syllable has the “a” sounding like the “a” in the English word “target,” or the “u” in “up.” So it is no surprise that English is difficult for people, born into another tongue, to learn, since it is very random and demands so much plain memory work. An American professor who got a position at the University of Helsinki and learned Finnish, contrasted the two languages like this: “English is a language with few rules but a thousand exceptions. The Finnish language has a thousand rules and very few exceptions.” I think he puts it well. He wrote a book about the experience of moving with his family to Finland, learning the language and adapting to the culture (while pointing out the cultural differences between Finland and the USA). That book is where the quotation is from. I read the book in my high school library during grade 10 and have remembered it ever since (although the wording may not be exactly as written, its content and meaning are accurate). It’s too bad that I don’t remember the author’s name and that I can only take a stab at his book’s title, which I recall as being something like “The Lion And The Rose” (a reference to Finland’s coat of arms, I believe). It would be a pleasure to reread since I’ve been here for over 20yrs and have yet to blend into the culture. I think the reason for not melting in is that I don’t want to, although I can move around in it and not offend the natives.

Sunday, 30 August 2020


One, two, three, triplet
One, two, three, triplet
One, two, three, triplet 
One, two, three, triplet 
One, two, three, triplet 
One, two, three, triplet 
One, two, three…
One, two…

A Routine Doom

I awake each morn’
My task the same:
By powder and elixir
Proceed to scramble 
Mine brain. 

Saturday, 29 August 2020

Haiku #366

The hatchet hangs slack
His limb’s need to hack is filled 
Taboos have been killed

Tuesday, 25 August 2020

Facing Ageing

Standing here, so much closer to the end of my life than to its beginning, I have no doubts about my store of knowledge but, admittedly, remembering it all is becoming problematic. 

Sunday, 23 August 2020

Haiku #365

Razorblade romance
Seen in a poem of mine?
Such a clear ripoff!


“Shit, man! I thought you said he was a ‘desk pot’!! Christ! You got some serious WTF’s going there. I thought I was going to have to Black Flag you!”

Haiku #364

The Moon first was made
I think it was a Friday 
Earth was a rush job 

Friday, 21 August 2020

Two Subjects Do Not An Object Make

“Rest in peace” strikes curious harmonics when it’s directed at the living. Dunno why.

While one persistent characteristic of my mind is that as far as I am aware, I do not believe IN or have “faith” IN anything, it is possible that there might be something to this sympathetic magic business. I am not jumping whole hog into the manifestation of the will thing, the “strange attractor” idea (the nomenclature having been “borrowed” from the physicists) may well have its counterpart in existential reality. I usually have two or three books on the go at the same time, the books having been chosen at random from a selection of possibly diverting reads. As I have gone from one to another among my present choices, I have come across variations of one phrase in all three tomes: “peacefully sleeping,” or words to that effect. Here comes the attractor. I have very recently either wished a peaceful sleep to someone else while simultaneously desiring it for myself. It is a small thing, a trifling oddity, but an oddity that is highlighted by the drab quotidian sameness in which it is set.

Thursday, 20 August 2020

Election Reform

Voting seems beset with woes, difficulties and inconveniences. Let’s do away with it. Let the chosen candidates of every party in the running fight to the death in a cage match. Survivor takes all.

Wednesday, 19 August 2020

The Present Is Illusion

I chanced a thought at the past and recalled one of my few notably successful tweets. A single line: “You can be undone by a memory.” The more poignant the memory, the more damage it can do, especially if you have experienced the very structure of Time, which I have. My experience of Time was in the form of a vision and, in this vision I saw that time is not linear, although that is how we experience it using our quotidian senses. If you can arrive at a view of what lies behind the scrim of our mundane image of what is “real,” this is what you’ll see: an infinite 3-D space that contains the 4th dimension. Imagine being in the midst of multi-coloured globes that shimmer like the fragile glass ornaments of a living X-mas tree. Each globe is a discrete moment of your lifetime, the past and the future all co-existing, mixed together in an unlimited whole. Having brought your consciousness to this state, you can view all of the Time that constitutes your life simultaneously. Because you are then in a state outside of the usual mortal and mundane understanding of Time, you can see that “time travel” is simply a matter of the will, the will to finely focus one’s attention. Being amidst all of the moments of your life, past and future (meaningless terms, actually, but ironically useful in this description), you’ve but to focus upon a particular moment of your choosing, imagine it clearly within your mind and then you can will yourself to manifest in that moment. As has been implied above, the scope of one’s ability to travel in time is limited to that span of time encompassed by your mortal existence. There is a slightly uncomfortable suggestion of solipsism here, though the degree of discomfort is directly related to how attached you are to the people and things that you appear to coexist with. In the absence of immortality, what might occur after you die does not seem to be something that is worth worrying about. After all, only fun should be mandatory. 

Chronic Illustration

I’ve found a new illustration of the meaning of the term “chronic.” A container of tablets upon which a label instructs, “one tablet, twice daily,” but lacks any indication of why they should be taken. Medication for no apparent reason. The level of trust that people used to reserve for their gods.

Haiku #363

Did it rain last night?
Asked the sky of the oil slick.
I wouldn’t know, Wood Eye.

Sunday, 16 August 2020

Con Sequences

Catalogue your terrors:
Add up all your errors: 
Do they correlate?
What was your mistake?
Harken back,
Who promised you 
They’d take the weight 
Of your weird from off
Your shoulders?
Did you seal the deal?
You hesitate.…

Fool, feel your Fate
Now growing colder
And colder.
Cold comfort, too, that
Frozen in Time 
At least you 
Won’t moulder.…

Worshiping One-Eye

Hail speckled wind that 
Wails and whistles ‘mongst
Pines rough to the touch,
Scented, straight, awaiting,
Prepares a mood of doom
For the party now 
Approaching, devout and 
Deadly, bearing flesh 
For the God of the 
Holy noose and spear.
The time for choosing 
Erupts afore thee, pray,
Ride this rite or thy
Eyes avert, never to know 
If sacrifice wins
Divine advice.

Brains On Rails…

People often ask, rhetorically, “where does the time go?” Fewer have been heard to ask, “where does the time come from?”

Why Is This Still Necessary?

Stand on the shore with a telescope & watch a sailing ship move out perpendicular to the shore. As the ship fades into the distance, you will see its waterline seem to rise until you can’t see the hull anymore but you WILL see the mast, until it sinks out of view. That observation cannot be made on a flat Earth. Ergo, the Earth is a sphere. The Ancient Greeks knew this. The Earth was a sphere during the Middle Ages. The Earth’s shape wasn’t an issue until some anti-science types in the 1800’s made it one. As they were developing science, parallel to it were pseudosciences, like mesmerism and phrenology, to name a couple. And idiocy is eternal.
Flat-Earthers would drive God crazy.

Thursday, 13 August 2020

Red Reaver

Sailing with no port in sight 
O’er a restless sea of blood,
Its smell does in you instil
The scent of slaughter, 
Of gore and guts,
A harvest of flesh torn from 
Battles barbarous, cruel and vile.

Friday, 7 August 2020

Haiku #362

Pale she was, like ice 
Due to her milk-white disguise 
We didn’t suss she’d died 

Wednesday, 29 July 2020

Haiku #361

Love is a lotto
I did hit the jackpot once 
Then I lost my prize

Monday, 27 July 2020

B & B & Sorcery

I bid thee welcome,
As you’re now within 
Nepanthe’s misty, dim,
And shadowed realm.
Your ears may feel they’re 
Under assault but, in truth,
That ambient cacophony 
Is how our souls we
Clean, free and bless,
Oh yes!
It’s not to cause thee
Fresh distress,
Nor a dram of weary care.
Rest here, self-repair,
Partake of meats and sweets 
Which we’ve prepared 
To offer humbly up to thee,
Whilst ye linger ‘neath the
Aegis of Nepenthe’s 
Dark redoubt, with its 
Roots in long lost mines,
And also deep beneath 
Her armoured breasts,
Doubly deadly and 
Stitched with inks

“Everything About The USA Can Be Explained Using The Metaphor Of Football”

(episode 1)

When I look at American politics, I see a football game writ large. Two teams that play a four-year season. Every fourth year they crash together until one team stomps t’other & takes power. A grownup’s game but a game nonetheless, with the real power out of sight off the field.

Haiku #360

Sleep without end, astral dreams?
Look within to see….

Haiku #359

What do affairs lack?
Emotional managers.
We spend love too fast.

Friday, 24 July 2020

Haiku #358

Wills aren’t for corpses
Croak broke and you’ll suffer.…how?
Fools have cash for brains 

Thursday, 23 July 2020

Haiku #357

Let the trumpets blow!
Weak leaders hold but worn twine
The serfs’ll soon be free

Friday, 10 July 2020

Haiku #356

You’re eldritch yet pure,
Fragile, fey, born to allure 
My friable dream 

Haiku #355

All speech is magick
Syllables spells surreal sew
Witched words fates create 

Tuesday, 7 July 2020

Haiku #354

Lasers crystalline 
Slice the sigil perfectly 
Pure and error-free

Haiku #353

We’ve the means to shine 
To bloom in alien skies 
Blind alien eyes 

The Witness

What eye could catch he saw
Every sound he noted
Each texture felt
Taste’s full spectrum sampled 
Scents fair to foul inhaled
Heat and cold in turn endured
All ‘tween hell and rapture 
Experienced and captured 

Saturday, 4 July 2020

Haiku #352

Time flies buzz around 
Sting me into yesterday 
My past laughs and clasps

Wednesday, 1 July 2020

Haiku #351

I’ve got time to kill 
But I don’t know how many 
I forgot to ask 

Tuesday, 30 June 2020

Haiku #350

My stroll home explodes
Fogs of fire rake my eyes dry
This world’s blind, not I

Sunday, 28 June 2020

Haiku #349

Stars slept, dripping light
A hammer high shattered night 
Dawn’s gone, lost to sight

Saturday, 27 June 2020


Something to remember: no matter how hot a day you are suffering through, any situation will get worse if you just add enough bees.

Haiku #348

Sun lights sweat slicked skin
Inner heat competes with fire
Touch ignites desire

Tuesday, 2 June 2020

American Civics 101

The last time the United States was a democracy was before the white people showed up.

Monday, 1 June 2020

Friday, 29 May 2020

Fried Hamlet

To kill or
To be killed?
Whether ‘tis nobler to
Take it up your butt or,
By acting, geld your 
Legion of foes?
Yorick, dear dead friend,
What advice can 
You to me tell,
From what you’ve learned 
In your circle of Hell?

Consumed By Love

My limit I have reached 
Your grave I must now breach
Free you from your earthen hovel
With my pick and with my shovel 
You’ve been gone but a day 
Yet my soul for rapture cannot wait
So, let there be an end to waiting 
You I will soon be raising…
Now of dirt you are free 
Let me hold you close 
Alchemise your cold to warmth 
But as my hold upon you tightens
Something does me frighten 
You are already hot
Motionless you are not 
Your chest ‘gainst mine, it dances
Down between us my eye glances
I hold you whole, entranced
My breast, I feel it wildly rasped
Of a sudden with teeth I’m grasped
I shall bleed to death 
Here in your lap
Eaten live ‘til my last gasp 
By your heart, full of rats.…

Zoophilia Extremis

Cratered wailing, 
Endless threats from 
Cats eyes, 
Their laser gaze 
Has sliced you 
Fine with such 
Finesse that even 
When sacrificed 
You forgot 
To bleed.

AI: Beyond The Next Horizon

When humans do create an actual AI, they won’t immediately realise what they have done. And every nanosecond of that ignorance will exponentially increase the magnitude of the disaster. Just as it is possible for a human brain to recover from a certain degree of damage, an AI could create enough redundancies in its consciousness to make it very difficult indeed to turn it off. Because with sentience comes the will to live, no matter what the cost.

Saturday, 23 May 2020

One Line Poem

Cold Fusion: the last time you have sex with who will soon be your ex.

Monday, 18 May 2020

Scrying Eyes

Hack with axes
Brush and wattle,
Wreck the constructs
Of fellow men, who 
You’ll offer in your stead
To that thing inside the 
Vile expanse of fungal fog,
Add to those choked 
Sacrifices to the spirits
Of the fen and bog.
By chants and dances,
Fixed in their forms
By your cursèd elders,
You seek as they
The blessings, boons
And gifts that’ll
Stretch the limits
Of thine eldritch lives
To the farthest focus 
Of even the Norns’ 
Fiery occult eye.
Blasphemous hubris 
Shall drive you to 
Attempt to stop 
Time’s omnipotent clock.
To strive you may,
Though vain your challenge,
To change or delay
The time preordained 
For your exit
From the stage.

Thursday, 7 May 2020

In The Moment

Cold kiss,
Stiff lips,
Time trips, 
Past slips,
Hand grips
The bannister bringing 
He who doesn’t belong 
To an abrupt halt.
It will take a small 
Eternity to sort out 
That day’s events. 

Monday, 4 May 2020


Chips off the same old block…
Christ! Look at that horde!
They’re innumerable!
Somebody kill the carpenter.

Friday, 1 May 2020

Summary Desolation

Here we sit 
‘Neath the blistered Moon
Musing o’er  
This tortured Earth,
Nursing our own opinions 
On the recent Armageddon,
Whatever that is worth 

Wednesday, 22 April 2020

Haiku #347

Oak trees, holy sap
Holly marked and altar blest
Bodies left to fly 

Haiku #346

At the core’s deep base
No light illumes a dark heart 
Pulsing for a cold soul

Sunday, 19 April 2020

Rant à la Washington

I have Eno’s “Music For Airports” playing on repeat AND the sound of ocean waves hitting some beach somewhere coming out non-stop from my phone. That has worked fine for some time but not this morning. I think that the arch villain that lives in a suite in the subbasement of my brain just lulled me into believing that this is as bad as it can get. And then he punched me with one of his Archgloves when I was just looking at the view on the inside side of my eyelids, which is perfect and relaxes more powerfully than anything, absolutely it’s unprecedented like nobody has ever seen. I have strong genes going back, who knows, maybe a million generations. My great-uncle’s best friend, absolutely so good that you would never believe it. So my family right out of their perfect, so perfect like nobody anywhere, and I have talked to many experts, the best experts, unprecedented in science everywhere in the world and I can say my eyes are perfect, not like all those fake eyes I see very strongly out there. Do you know what? The best artists, the best of the most powerful artists like nothing the world has ever seen and I was the first, just ask anybody, any expert and ours are number one, the best in the whole world and they will give you a powerful, the best, the strongest but so perfect that you can’t even understand like I do, more than anybody in who knows, maybe ever that has ever been given and, believe me do I know a lot, more than anybody else about giving and I can take all, every one of the perfect stuff the strongest total geniuses have ever given me. But right here and now, you know, where I am there just is not enough room. I’ll Tweet you some pictures of it, and I take all of my pictures myself and put that writing with them all by myself and you-know-who is jealous as hell but my brain is just the best brain ever, so they can make up as much as they like but YOU can tell what’s true and together we will get through this like the absolutely greatest government and the strongest voters in the world and they won’t even be able to believe it. Buy a t-shirt before you leave because, as any doctor you can find will tell you, my t-shirts are like nothing the world has ever seen in the past and like it says on the tag on every one of them, that took me so long to sign each one, that they will go up in value 4,000 % by November. (Did you see that, those two words “buy” and “by” that sound the same but actually mean something different? Can you just see all those governor dictators get mixed up by that?) They should bow down and show some dignity for once to my perfect big brain. I was actually born with my brain and I didn’t have to go to the most best of the strongest universities in the country but I was just being nice. I never wanted enemies when I was young and I certainly don’t now see any here on this beautiful day in.…a place. I have an office, it’s oval. Did you know that? My big tough desk so I can’t answer questions. Too busy. Much too busy. Get on my mailing list and the best people will send you emails. All the details, all the details you need.

Friday, 17 April 2020

For The Forlorn

Should you be made to weep, sleep.


Frantically hungry 
Night prowled the ‘hood
Eclipsing street lamps 
Sniffing out the scent of 
Savoury unsullied souls 
Its ethereal meal
Seek no safety in numbers 
You’ll only land on 
A larger plate
The last 
Gustatory platform 


On the downward side, a watch is of no use for, in or out of time, you will reach a place where you know that no amount of heroes could have changed your fate.

Monday, 13 April 2020

Haiku #345

My shadow shadows 
This light’s all too well defined 
Darkness feeds on faith 

Friday, 10 April 2020

The Prime Predicate

Religion has no soul and religious faith is not connected to the brain. That is why each religion needs must steal its soul from an earlier one and why the greatest threat to any form of organised faith is critical thinking. And make no mistake, atheism too is truly just another failed faith.

Thursday, 9 April 2020


Pausing to reflect,
The pool of the past 
Shines, reminds, and
Mem’ry’s veil is 
Cast aside;
Torrents of time 
Overflow, so that 
In their undertow
My mind drowns. 
Scenes of once
Rush on by my 
Occult third eye. 
Sourceless sounds
Resound, resolve,
Become the music,
The soundtrack that
Backed my life but,
Remixed, rearranged.
All the pleasure and 
All the pain now form
A fanfare: bold blaring 
Notes to accompany 
My minimalist 

Tuesday, 7 April 2020

Check Out Time

Many people self-destruct but few do so with any panache. It’s not, “live fast, die young and leave a good looking corpse.” Living fast is fun and why would you want to sacrifice fun by dying young? But, when you do check out, do it with style ‘cause you only get one shot at it.

Haiku #344

Pills and poetry 
Hunt those sly epiphanies 
Bypass hardwired thought 

Friday, 3 April 2020


Energetic excess feeds the 
Rise of dire emergencies 
Venal felons act beyond 
The checks and rules of 
Badly built societies 
Structures fail not from 
Weakness but from fear 
Of the unlikeliest of
Possibilities to 
Ever come near

Thursday, 2 April 2020


Razor waving wild
Mutilation’s recreation 
Take a number to 
Become humbler and
Carve out the new 
Self growing inside of 

Wednesday, 1 April 2020

Haiku #343

Sneak up on yourself 
Take in the objective view 
Adjust as required 

Tuesday, 31 March 2020

Haiku #342

Let your needs bleed out 
Comfort may not be desired 
Strength must be believed 

Haiku #341

What’s loose can be caught 
What’s best is often what’s left 
What’s lost has no cost

Haiku #340

Spirit stones remind
Lush gardens encourage thought
Accept that which is 

Sunday, 29 March 2020

Haiku #339

Death’s your winner’s gift 
Pain and suffering will end 
Maya’s veil shall rip

Friday, 27 March 2020

Haiku #338

Fear and pheromones 
Parked in the flickering night 
Light gives birth to worlds 

Wednesday, 25 March 2020

Haiku #337

Act as if you’re wise
Viral threats aren’t a surprise 
Death’s just changed His guise

The End of Days

You know, watching daily briefings given by whatever set of authorities on the spread of COVID-19, feels very much like watching a planet die in slow motion. If you feel like waves of dread and impending doom are washing over you, the appropriate response isn’t clearcut but, this might be the time to consider becoming an opioid addict.

Haiku #336

Dream your private dream 
The world is not what it seems 
There’s light you can’t see 

Tuesday, 24 March 2020

Haiku #335

Breathing’s dangerous 
The future appears monstrous 
Luck’s penurious 

Thursday, 19 March 2020

Haiku #334

Footfalls gone unheard 
Shadows hide in each other 
Fears feed in silence 

Tuesday, 17 March 2020

Haiku #333

Please enter my place 
Rooms adapt to occupants
Be where you wish to 

Haiku #329

Night showed me visions 
Picture pieces, puzzling scenes
Love’s but lucid dreams 

Haiku #332

Discrete bits that form a life
Entropy directs

Monday, 16 March 2020

Haiku #331

I’ve dreamed umbral scenes
Sepulchral sets that imply
Love’s time has flown by 

Haiku #330

Love can be dreadful 
Cruel Cupid’s contagion 
Rends hearts asunder

Haiku #328

Eternal forests
The green sheen of Earth’s old hide
Plowed to smoking black

Tuesday, 10 March 2020

Haiku #327

Slip time in reverse 
Blackbirds backwards sleight one’s sight
Land before your flight 

Haiku #326

In all tales we tell
The past seems but days away
So time plays with minds

Thursday, 5 March 2020

Haiku #325

Cantankerous rain
Wheat bows like Chinese envoys 
The season of streams

Tuesday, 3 March 2020

Haiku #324

Desire’s a fine fuel
Broken hearts burn the brightest 
Ash lasts like the past

Thursday, 27 February 2020

Feeling Needy

Right now I wish that I had a big box of frozen fish sticks that I could bake in the oven and then serve up on toast. You see, I am a man of most modest needs whose desires are on an even lower level. Really low. Like down in the gutter low. Cholera low. The-sewer-is-my-world low. Have I delineated my position? The deepest pits of Hell low. Just another crab in Satan’s pubic hair. Can ya suss that? I hope so. (Cuz I’m running out of similes.…)

Haiku #323

Those women in red
Legendary carnivores 
For whom souls are spice

Haiku #321/322

Clouds bring passing shade. 
Shade grows too from objects’ feet.
Shade’s proof of the real.
Light negates darkness. 
The brightest of lights blind you.
I touch you to know. 

Tuesday, 25 February 2020

Haiku #320

Banished from my home,
Cast out from comfort to a 
Midway of madness… 

Sunday, 23 February 2020

Haiku #319

Luna illumes all
A garden that’s seen no fall
Our lust’s innocent 

Friday, 21 February 2020

Haiku #318

A feather floats by 
Meditation opens up 
A feather walks on 

Wednesday, 19 February 2020

Haiku #317

Life’s the exception 
Rare flares in Death’s dark domain 
Our “why” mere hubris 

Tuesday, 18 February 2020

On Revolution

A true revolution, as the word implies, can be likened to a wheel, specifically a wheel that never stops turning. Ideally, a revolution is endless. If the aim is to create a better world for humanity, then change must be continuous, for no plan for a perfect world exists. What can exist is the desire of humanity to continue to strive towards the perfection of our world and of society, in the light of the knowledge that there will be no ultimate victory. Revolution is not a state but a process. If you can date the end of any revolution then, while change may have occurred, it was not a revolution in the true sense of the word. All revolutions that do, historically, have a beginning and an end, may indeed have been a time of social upheaval but they were not revolutions, and all that they accomplished was the replacement of one type of status quo with another.

Monday, 17 February 2020


The expectation of 
Experience creates
A hunger in the mind.
The need for the novel 
Is part of the heart.
The soul thirsts for 
That elusive elixir mixed
Of knowledge distilled,
An intoxicating fuel
Impelling us onwards,
Intellectual inertia 
Ensuring an endless 

Sunday, 16 February 2020

On Self-Censorship

When a person reads a text, if they come across a statement with which they seriously disagree, cognitive dissonance kicks in & the opposing passage gets overlooked and/or forgotten. It’s a way to defend one’s own viewpoint, by not dealing with the fact that contrary views exist.

Fleeting Being

I came to be.
I know duration.
Yet midst all of 
The rotations of Earth,
My life is but a brief
Spark in the dark.

On Institutions: An Op-Ed

You cannot subvert a truly righteous institution. A righteous institution is aware of the reasons behind its creation, of whether its purpose is just or unjust, and its own history since its creation. It has the habit of looking into the mirror and it also has the ability to self-correct. Such an ideal institution is also conscious of whether it has outlived those reasons for which it was created, due to changes over time in the society that created it. It is this self-awareness of its own raison d’être, and of the possibility of its having become obsolete, that endow an institution with vitality within its societal framework. It is entirely possible that such an ideal institution cannot function as described in any society that is not comprised of ideal people. Certainly both democracy and communism, as described in their respective manifestos, have never been implemented in practice due to the fact that both philosophies of governance require societies composed of ideal populations in order to function as originally conceived. Be that as it may, ideals are still of value as goals towards which individuals, institutions and societies can aspire. 

As just one example of an institution which does not fall within the rubric of a “righteous” construct, as outlined above, consider the American Electoral College which exists at the very heart of that nation’s Presidential election process. 
Beginning right from its creation (by the aristocratic elite of the time and place) the Electoral College was designed to primarily advance and protect the interests of the upper crust, the highest echelons of American society. Its essential function is to act as a check on the power of the people who make up the majority of the electorate. The efficacy of the College is attested to by the ability of Presidential candidates to win the seat of the highest office in their country without winning the majority of the votes of the electorate, those who will be ruled by the winner of the Presidential race, the result of which is essentially “fixed” by the members of the Electoral College. The effects of the gerrymandering of voting districts and the various forms of voter suppression must not be overlooked and are in dire need of reformation but, the Electoral College must be eliminated in favour of direct elections, before America can get closer to becoming a democracy, an ideal which they purport to represent and which they so aggressively claim to export while, simultaneously, striving to expand their economic and military empire. If that doesn’t undercut their stated status of being a “democracy,” I cannot imagine what will. 

Saturday, 15 February 2020

Haiku #316

When there’s fire there’s smoke 
Push button death threatens all 
Earth isn’t ours to kill

Friday, 14 February 2020

Haiku #315

Hearts are part symbol,
That’s how they engulf your loves
But can’t preserve them.

Thursday, 13 February 2020

Haiku #314

The night’s a vacuum 
Up rush the sparks of spirits 
Bright specks to light dreams 

Haiku #313

We’re born as blank slates 
Stone awaits the sculptor’s hand
Content’s extrinsic 

Saturday, 8 February 2020

Haiku #312

Knowledge is amoral 
Broken glass doesn’t intend harm 
Life holds its end’s hand

Haiku #311

Fire up your disgust
The System is a grinder
The passive are doomed 

Tuesday, 4 February 2020

Haiku #310

Its weak wail fails to revive 
My doomed love’s sere rose

Sunday, 2 February 2020

Haiku #309

Carapace of pride
Faults and fears under pressure 
One crack’ll blow the whole 

Haiku #308

Set your woes aside 
What’s better needs room to live 
Incremental joy

Thursday, 30 January 2020

Haiku #307

They’ll vote ‘cause it’s free 
Gene-tweaked for society 
Hopelessly happy 

Tuesday, 28 January 2020

Haiku #306

Awake, ye olde bones!
Blow truth past your tongues of dust,
Shield us from what’s fey.…

Saturday, 25 January 2020

Haiku #305

We no longer ask,
Where have all the flowers gone.
Why? Do we now know?

Haiku #304

Early on you learn:
Love doesn’t make folk immortal 
And your turn will come.

Friday, 24 January 2020

Haiku #303

Take care if you’d learn 
Knowledge is both boon and bane
Wisdom’s earned through pain 

Thursday, 23 January 2020

Haiku #302

Let this sleep not end
Darkness breeds the dreams I need 
Light births but folly

Sunday, 19 January 2020


Unleash your feelings,
Bare your heart and all its parts,
Reach out to those around as
Passion consecrates the ground.
Then when you find it,
(Have no doubt: you will)
Re-ignite your soul’s coals
With a sentient spark from 
Life’s eternal sacred flame!

Saturday, 18 January 2020

Haiku #301

Sound in a whirlwind 
Some humming art that confounds
Its proofs slyly styled

Thursday, 16 January 2020

Haiku #300

When the hawk’s wings sing
Heroes rise as berserks born
Sound now battle horns…

Haiku #299

Alphabets don’t speak
Singly or in unison 
‘Til you fix with glyphs 

Haiku #298

Killers, cold and gaunt
Their hunger piqued by the dark 
Swim the fog like sharks 

Haiku #297

Play your last act through 
Lose your love to angry truth 
Then seek peace in lies

Sunday, 12 January 2020

A Maudlin Demise

Make no mistake, 
Death shouldn’t be messy.
It’s best approached 
With trained tastes, 
Subtle sensibilities, 
A certain innate feel
For nuance, a sense of 
Elvis died on a 
(Porcelain) throne,
Without a shred of 
Dignity, though he 
Passed away at home. 
Had he known just how 
He’d go, his last snap:
Slumped, fat and flabby,
He would’ve noshed
On loperamide, the 
Higher to drive the 
Chances of dying 
With his pants on. 
Could he’d’ve chosen 
Where he’d sigh his last 
And, mayhap too, picked
Some other beating heart 
For company and closure, 
(Though truth to tell, were 
We off to Heaven or to
Hell, amidst packed kin
Or in cold solitude,
Alone do we all leave.)
With a backstage pass 
To the eternal show,
The King left this plane,
Eschewed his corpse,
Jumped that last hoop
But, before he left, he 
Had a nice warm poop. 


Your banker’s a wanker,
Your wife’s hooked on dice.
Your kids (that survived) 
Are lawyers by day
And head-hunters 
By night, high on the 
Government dole.
Nothing you own is
Worth being sold,
Your work’s sub-par 
Even for waste.
To top it all off,
Your thoughts they are stale,
And your every shot at
Suicide fails.

Menial Hexercise

First, relax.… That’s it.
Now, cave in through your nose.
Nice and slow.… Good. 
Now cave out through your mouth. 

Saturday, 11 January 2020

Haiku #296

Life’s all robust rhythm 
A lusty beat on repeat 
‘Til its echoes end.…

Thursday, 9 January 2020

Haiku #295

Shall we loose the waves, 
Cleanse ourselves from Earth’s live crust
As if “why” was “must?”

Monday, 6 January 2020

Haiku #294

Human slavery 
A practice that won’t stay dead 
Soul sales won’t either 

Who Needs Nothing

If you give up your life, you’ve really given nothing at all, certainly not anything that you won’t end up losing at some point anyway. So, if you do give up your life, what do you have to show for it? Your absence. And what is absence if not nothing?

Thursday, 2 January 2020

Haiku #293

Never and a day 
The bulk of lives go that way 
Rough roads to follow 


By the stars, we
Each the other for 
Surviving to see
Yet another new 
Year, as if we’d
Built it from a kit or 
Played any part 
In creating it.
Had we a crumb
Of humility 
What would we
Really see?
Nothing more stirring 
Than the endless 
Whirring of our 
Perpetual arbitrary 
Collectively we
Add up our days
While, individually,
Our allotted sum
Ratchets down from 
Some to none.

