Blog Archive

Saturday, 12 September 2020

Gods Of The Whirled

From the corners four 
The Divine arrive
To tryst once more; 
To create and hear
Music for the spheres. 
Pan picks up his pipes, 
Plays disjointed parts.
Still more to imbibe
Til Pan’s set to start; 
Mars beats on his drum,
A true martial air 
Which Venus contrasts 
With a whistling wind 
O’er waves that do crash
And in crashing, rhyme
With the clashing below 
Where Vulcan forges
Great gifts to bestow 
‘Pon gods and mortals
When Chronos says so.
Now Zeus has arrived 
A lyre held in hand, 
Orders are given 
To that holy band 
Gathered for reasons 
But gods understand, 
Yet all assembled 
Send songs up on high.
Tuned tones from gods fly;
Tones keep heaven’s order,
Keep the spheres in place. 
We can but wonder:
Do the equations 
We’ve struggled to trace
Truly exist?
Or are they and we
Some steps removed 
From all we seem to see,
From real reality?

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