Blog Archive

Monday, 7 November 2016

No Revolution Tomorrow!

What REALLY bugs me is that the vast bulk of people actually believe that "social media" EXISTS. The American ones spend their days opposing universal healthcare but don't blink when they get to use Fb or Twitter or whatever, for (apparently) "free." Somehow the lack of a monthly fee suggests to their medullas that all those servers and optic fibre networks were set up "for the people." The fact that Twitter (to name only one as an example) is OWNED by Microsoft is ignored. I suspect that if they didn't ignore it, it would cause cognitive dissonance and force them to think the whole picture through in order to relieve the semi-conscious distress that they are feeling.
That is what I am attempting to do, albeit a bit sideways: make people uncomfortable to the point where they are pushed back from their lapper's and phones a little and regain the chance to get some perspective. 
Sure, use the system, in the full knowledge that it is set up for marketing. If you remain aware of that all-important fact, you CAN use these privately financed sites but without co-operating with them. Like, the next time you are approached with a "lifestyle questionnaire" or when you type in a description of yourself on a site registration page, lie. You may risk seeing ads for shit you are not really interested in but that's it. The only risk. So lie your head off. Get creative. Make all the shit up. It won't harm anything except that the picture the marketers build up about their audience will get skewed. And get other people to do it. In the 60's this sort of non-violent activism was called "passive resistance." The world has changed technologically but people are pretty much always the same and the tricks used back then still apply, although some of the implementation details have to be modified. But don't be defeatist because the only thing you will defeat is your own freedom. The Revolution is ALWAYS possible, as long as there are those who want it to happen.
For an even more painless way to begin, get into over-paying your bills by 2, 3 or 5 cents. No more than that or it won't look like a mistake due to a lack of concentration (which is what the Internet promotes anyway; give 'em the impression that it's working).

Don't expect to wake up one fine day to a different, sane and just world. It won't simply happen. There will be no revolution tomorrow. The Revolution must be NOW! An eternal revolution in the continuous present, which is inherent in the word, Revolution: the turning of the Wheel. But it won't turn if you don't touch it; the Wheel is kept rolling by people-power and it gets easier, requires less effort, once it has begun to turn even a little. And it should be obvious that the more people there are doing the pushing, that much lighter is the task of any given individual.
We have talked about this since the expulsion from the Garden. What if we finally just got down and did it? Then we could talk about something else without that nagging feeling that we're forgetting something.…

Saturday, 24 September 2016

Lobbyist’s Luncheon

"Senator? Could you bring me something harmless yet very pleasant? Yes. And some repressive & exceedingly punitive legislation on the side."

The Pathetic’s Irony

Within, we all know that the "afterlife" aught to be called the "afterdeath" but, we have insufficient confidence in it to name it properly.

Friday, 23 September 2016

“Echo-Delta, you have insanity on your 6.”

D'ya wanna know what really makes me feel like an alien? The thought that there are people in their 40's walking around who have never listened to "Ziggy Stardust & The Spiders From Mars." Never heard of it? That I don't know about but I'm pretty sure you can find quite a few who have never sat down and listened to that album. That realisation makes me feel like it's ME who's from Mars!!

Life’s Not A Medium

All of Life’s
An Art and
You’re but a part
Of it,
A brush stroke, 
A puff of smoke, 
The dirty word
God never spoke…

Sunday, 18 September 2016

Follow me, follow me!

Hey, all you Twitter sex-cam wannabes, think of life in your 70's:
Your cheeks turned to jowls, wrinkled skin o'er bowels, and for "last call" your sudden apprehension that the desire for attention was no juvenile invention, after all.…

From Saturn’s Hymnary

Time is a river
Heading home to 
The sea
But as the tide rises
For you 
It is ebbing for me 


Button-down Sanitary Mannerisms

When you kneel you 
Are ten feet tall, even 
Though, standing, 
You are small. Take my
Hand, that paradox will 
Vanish. Come, and I will banish 
The fears that keep you chained
By acquainting you with 
The pleasure that is pain.

As you have seen, I
Hand out no decrees,
Believing it more 
Efficacious to teach 
Not with words but through deeds.
You who've borne witness 
To my razor-wire love,
To all my emotional 
Furniture, upholstered 
In leather most unique:  
The tanned hides of Angels
Who'd met with Heavenly
Rejection, been ejected and 
Had fallen unforgiven after 
Failing the affection of 
The landlord of Paradise,
Their Creator high above.

Those sights and others 
You've in memory stored,
Mark you apart from your 
Brothers, who you so little 
Resemble that it's hard to 
Believe you ever shared the 
Same mother.
The time of your life you've
Sacrificed to living as the eye
Of my whirlwind obsession 
Has left in your flesh a host
Of impressions, the scars of 
The lessons that you've learned.
Each one and all together, potent
Testimony to the effort 
Spent and to the fact that 
Each ragged scar
Was well and truly earned.

Before you did accept my
Offered invitation, I
Suspect the mirror in your mind 
Did reflect a you that 
Lay well below your station, 
Though you knew it not, as
You lacked sufficient information. 
But now you've come and it's 
Time to run the gauntlet of 
My iron glove, which you may 
Approach with trepidation, for 
You've yet to be singed by the
Hungry fire living at the core 
Of your every need and dire desire,
Which only iron (clothed in 
Velvet love and stitched with 
Gold to your soul of souls) can 
Supply the peace you crave, but 
Even as the pains seem to cease,
By some sly sensual subterfuge,  
Awakens a wet, wild want for the 
Deepest kiss of that sublime bliss
We can but palely name 
Unlimited satisfaction.

In Nightmare Days

You are my dream of bliss, m'love…
Paradise inside a kiss, m'love… 
Can it get any better than this?
Anything else I so badly miss?
Only while I'm awake.
Nothing I wouldn't take if
It could but kill this ache
That wears your shape 
But can't disguise 
It's but a shade
Stretched so thin
It's obvious there's only 
Fraud inside, a
Fake of fog within a 
Pale copy of your satin skin.… 

What use desire
Without your wood to 
Feed my fire?

Thursday, 15 September 2016

From The Frozen Tome

Cast now your net and 
Cast it wide, for 
In its shadow 
You must hide
Or you'll be caught 
In the ebbing tide
Of Time.
It rushes by
Erasing traces, prints
And such, in causal
Chains formed of 
Foolish trust that
Man could lay
By will alone
Some makers mark 
In steel or stone
To outlast his 
Own weak, sun
Bleached bones,
Foreseeing not 
That Time's backwash
Would wipe both the
Maker and the 
Made and so
Eternally disguise
That Man ever was
Along with 
All the clues
As to his fate
Amongst all the rest 
Time's tossed 
As waste.…

The Survival Show

Like a plague upon a 
Near motionless ocean,
All rot and slime and 
Maggots in rotation,
That flood of filth, all the 
Visions I abhor assault 
My inner eye, the ravaged 
Passage to my mind.

Caverns carved of
Ice and nighttime, where
Ghouls and grimmer 
Bite and frighten,
All 'round lies horror,
Gore and more, deftly 
Orchestrated torture
For what mind is left me.

To counter Chaos, to survive,
To run the gauntlet and emerge
With sanity intact and live, I've
Few tools but they must serve:
I cauterise, externalise,
Analyse and systemise.
On occasion don a
Milder face which confuses,
Giving, while my foe a
Moment muses, a brief 
Respite, too brief but still 
Of priceless calm a taste.
These are the tools I've 
Learned to use 
To toss the terrors
Back down the well.
All I do is done in haste,
For I fear my limit's nearly 
Here and that Death may
Yet become my last career.
But until it's certain, until 
Falls the curtain, I am 
Determined to send Chaos'
Minions o'er the lip and 
Down the dread well, so that  
They, not I, are welcomed to 
Go drown in Hell.

Wednesday, 14 September 2016

When I Was Small

There was a time when 
Time was never on 
My mind at all, yes I 
Do believe, I do believe 
That's true, though 
Long ago it was. When 
I was small, I never 
Thought of time at all.
Summers didn't seem to 
Pass, they simply were 
The grass eternal, forever 
Green, the scented air so
Mystic, soft and moss-like 
Yet of a clarity I can only 
Label crystalline 
The lives 'tween then and 
What I'm used to calling 
Now, filter time, sieve it
Somehow and mem'ries
Dim, become less fresh
Assume an eerie otherness 
As if it's someone else's 
Past that I do recall, so 
Perhaps the mem'ries aren't 
Mine at all, at least not 
The ones from when I 
Was small.

…Of Belovèd Memory

Near five score 
Years she dwelt here
In peace and war and 
Labours dear from
Room to room to
Room and gardens 
About the walls and 
Girdling trees to 
Which she was so 
Tightly tied that 
She was free to 
Be what she was 
Birthed to be and
So she was the
Mother given me, a
Sister to the trees 
Keeper of the many
Gardens green and 
Splashed with every 
Rainbow's hues, the 
Very riot of life to 
Which she was both 
Nursemaid and 
Wife, coach, counsel 
Merry saviour of 
Empty days, of
Lonely nights filled 
A-brim with the 
Hollow howl of 
A dreaded 'morrow
Come at last. So 
Still these days that 
Take years to pass
Their passage 
Wed to the leaden
Baggage that is 
The order of today 
When once a home 
Lies in ruins now 
Named a house 
Its living heart
Having heard the 
Horn of Time, the 
Final call and 
Signal to 

Monday, 12 September 2016


O, woe be unto the 
Naïveté of man, to
Think that by simply 
Placing the past on a shelf 
He can hope to make peace 
With Satan Herself.…

Hard-core Romance

No love has ever loved 
As Romeo did Juliet but,
A junky's love is 
Greater still, with 
Body, heart and soul 
All serfs serving 
One lone goal with 
Total, focused, wanton will.

Friday, 2 September 2016

The Life Song

First you start in the 
Womb then hang a 
Right for the tunnel,
An automatic funnel
Which will squeeze 
You like toothpaste 
Into light.
Then that's where 
You'll stay for the 
Rest of your days 
Obsessed with the 
Tunnel you traveled,
While your lifespan 
Unravels and you 
Unconsciously yearn
To make your return 
To the womb.
But you never will 
And the count of 
Your days in the sun
Slowly clicks down to 
None and time 
Finally comes to 
Funnel you, not 
Back to the womb
But to the much
Colder dark of
Your table for one 
In the loneliness 
Of a tomb.

Wednesday, 20 July 2016

Occasional Verse

As you can see, you
Can't see me, so
I kiss you in syllables
Hold you in my meter
Close, fitted midst my
Words, that I might
Rub you round in rhyme
Fondled in time and
Time again 'till the
Wheel comes round to
When I can in silence
Press your flesh with
Mine and distance no
Longer binds us.…

Sunday, 12 June 2016

The Prodigal Gun

Mind redlined, wants weld dream, screams, reason's pieces; self melts, hate howls fire.… Satori. Alone now, the happy thumping led him home.

Thursday, 2 June 2016

Jesus At Hammer Falls

I've a cross there
I've a cross to bear 
I've a cross there
I've a cross to bear 
I've a cross there 
I've a cross to bear 
I've a cross there 
I've a cross to bear 
I've a cross there 
I've a cross to bear 
I've a cross there 
I've a cross to bear 


I've a cross there 
I've a cross to bear 
I've a cross there 
I've a cross…Father?
I've a cross.
Mine to bear, Father.
I've a cross but,
Father, I will not 
Carry it off, will 
I, Father?
Tell me, will it weigh
Any less when borne
By a billion 

I've a cross there 
You'll leave for 
Them to bear.…

Wednesday, 11 May 2016


In our nuclear age 
I'm powered by steam;
I will not fly, I 
Will not dream. 
I'd still burn wood 
If only I could 
But I have been told 
My smoke makes the 
Little ones choke,
That they'd rather toke 
When they take 
To those skies where
They know I will not go.…
In this nuclear age
I'm no longer a cleric, but 
Rather more a queer relic, 
Vaguely recalled 
By the so-called well
But by the vast masses
More honestly 
Considered a fool. 
Still, mayhap it's good 
That I no longer burn 
Wood, for where could 
My chimney's smoke go?
Where'd blow the 
Breeze and who'd care?
Since the nuclear 
Fallout killed off the trees 
And poisoned the 
Remains of the air.…

Tuesday, 10 May 2016

At Last, The Task

The sun in rising,
Decants a destiny down, 
Splashing redly, 
Replete with meaning. A
Full-bodied fate fills
My ill-chosen flask; some last
Splashes and then, o'erfilled,
Leaves my cuff hanging limp,
Leaking, staining 
Crimson the wrist
And the flask-filled hand. 
So, anointed into the 
Weird now appointed me,
A flash of the past pierces,
A gash not mine 
Appears and a sight
Opaque to eyes reminds. 
Time folds His fingers 
'Tween mine in that 
Special way so 
That, overlaid, we share
The impaling nail
And the vision is,
Once emptied, whisked
Away but, again, I 
Must stay.


What are you?
Are you as essential 
As the pencil is 
To paper? 
As the lunar light 
Is to raven wingèd
As, later in the coming 
Morn, the dawn 
Once more will break, and 
When broken, there won't 
Be no light no more. So 
Darling, please, be 
My very own heroin: pick
Out a vein and shoot 
Your life therein.
Let me watch and, as 
I grow stronger,
You'll wither, linger, die
In time no thicker 
Than my little finger.
Once you swore you'd  
Be my friend until 
The very end of ends, 'till,
Though I'd've lost my all, still 
You'd cling, giving no heed 
To how feeble were my
Shredded leavings.
Now, and as Desolation is
My witness, I see
You strive to swim away.
Well, my, my, my, my dear,
Let me toss you some 
Comfort: this lifesaver, custom
Made of lead. It strikes me 
As the perfect payment for 
So casual a betrayal,
A phoney kiss so far 
Off the mark
That even Judas, in 
His well-earned heated pit,
Can't help but bray with 
Raucous laughter,
Though he thrash in
Agony eternal forever after.
So, grasp now my gift, my
Dearest one, drown deep and 
Fast, for there's but a finite
Limit to how long I 
Can or canst keep my 
Righteous vengeance 
In restraint. God may, in
Deed, forgive but yet
From true forgetfulness 
We both refrain.

Tuesday, 19 April 2016

Aprés Moi, La Folie

(with appurtenances)

My God! (and this one IS mine, dammit! So don't even bother trying to pray to Him because He don' give a shit about YOUR problems because HE is MY God! Is that clear enough? Hmm?)
It's happening again and it is eroding me! This time it's Philip K. Dick! The man is DEAD. And that interview of him going on over there on the right was recorded in 1979! And it is Rare; not like I have heard it before you should know that much by now I would have THOUGHT if all of these damn great artists keep sneaking up on me and I BLAHBLAHBLAHBLAH HA HA HATE is ALL they know! W  h  y  c  a  n  t  ?
You seeeeeee it??
Just the fucking noise and I did NOT steal from him or her yesterday or James Fucking Joyce ladedadaladedah Puke! Even Pueblo Puke-Asshole and, what did you call them? No; the all of them the whole group?  
I Do Not Have The Time To Waste.… So, now…just name them and things will go your way out of the range of your spray of essence. Bukowski didn't. Shakespeare didn't (though Banquo may have) and not even Salinger hid all that well when you get right down to a space dog's biscuits (was Latka hungry while dying for the sins born of inexpressible cowardice? Dying. AND hungry? Oh, you Lords of Lourdes! What have you done with Latka's NAILS?? How the fuck are we going to get saved NOW?
bastards why not slowly replace the oxygen         with nitrous oxide  been a last loving betrayal nail nailnail) (and if she wants to get fucked? (Her wörd) well, if her paradigm is all that wet, well then NAILED! TO! then just you pose and I'll be your very own Mjölnir!! Holy hammer and you will never get the imprint of those planks out of your flesh so proudly overFÜcked with a WHale of a nail 2 that floor! See? That floor.… SEe? THAT floor, bitch!! SEE IT NOW? Goddamn Russian dogs have more foursites than You did and didn't even leave your scent for those fuckers no you faked or at least gasmed for HOW MANY? And you dare compare my dick my dear to the holy anonymous what, 12? And joked about the bloody Peters? w h y NOT grow your own? Queen or queer, you've a cock at least my deer so until Jesus throws with mighty thews a brick through that door aback of you and while, now dead, your cunt's unmoved I or Lie-ya as bucks we'll mount you pale tree-nayled and have your butt like you while live were never.…drilled!! HA! Lost it lost it who wins now? Jesus, Hejus, mayhap the Dog? You were to Latka save with that great Gape you gave and gave and gave which trade would have an ifgasm gaved or whengasm but what's your butt's gonna give a damn when they're you nailed, all dead and rot
I hope yore soiled soul does all true regret all the whatgasms you ain't not Got! Who keeps CLEANING up I said all Down Down all and Only! Jesus! Oh, my God! Even He ain't wholly!!
(I said didn't I didn't? That HE is mine? Recall? Remember? Once and that should've sufficed! He is MINE! Still you frigging, fucking, somehow HAD to prey! I Heard you once (suffice!) twice (Suffice!!) no you thimply hash to still sit even THRICE and here as my life's cold flow down those demon's drains goes and yet that THRICE the thrice damned Thrice!! Your final insult, high yet higher last curse, some morbid Cupid's oozed lipids greased so your hole My God, His staff? His ROD the pole will be it evil be it ill but for eaver you'll stay Upright (Unclean) UPRIGHT UPRIGHT for my evers in this Hateternal night I have now for mine, and Hey-Zeus! Loook! Can't see no sight but small ill thrill You did at least as that last Homer's Boner ceded all 2 to Frever Knightnight. And still by Jizzez, by dumb UnDonne ChRiSt!! E'en after all, e'en as ALL ends…that crisp corpsicle Cryst, ya couldna melt e'en played mit plush, so in no scent didya pile the stile on Cryst, forgotten pursed-lips slit did promise that that Final Defile'd be t'least half nice. . . .

[Nostril inhale/Gut, chest, out mouth]

I am as far past speed as duration is past non-existence. If Newtonian terminology could be beaten into a shape that might allow for a vermiform Air Canada stewardess to claim and win a wrongful dismissal case only to trip over a Strange Attractor and become the inspiration for Vera Lynn's "We'll Breed Again" then I might settle for the letdown of mere velocity. Which will prove to be the only bribe that could then have the Sun of Ghad lock Wayne Newton in the eternally burning brimstone pit in which he finds himself to be its only intended occupant. The entirety of existence still shatters into less than there was before there was anything but now everyone feels much better about suffering through a German-Jewish vision of wasted real estate to get there.

[Coda: ]

Everywhere else this ended up I made two small (at least from my point of view) changes. 
1) It begins now with the second word, "I." You have a beauteous and noble name but I decided to jettison all reasons which might require it's explanation. I wanted it written but not as the Doom of That Fine Day of my Youth.
2) The word between "brimstone pit" and "which" should be changed from "it" to the correct "in." A simple typo.

An effect which I did not expect to happen when I am quite literally typing as fast as I can, is the near pristine state of the first and only copy. Here: a single-letter typo and one editorial change (which or neither may never have been necessary at a less breakneck pace of the typing). And I knew that was a lie as I wrote it. I could NOT have typed any slower than the emergence of the content, else a backlog would have finally brought it to a halt when it was but 15% composed (a naked guess--all that relates to but is not a part of the organic original, can be read for interest only for it has no authenticity).

{Bowed, I beg a boon, O' Thee,
 Mother, Sister, Moon; Thee Three}

Oh, Lord of pointlessly 
Let it End!
Leave it rust or mould, each down their assigned avenues of dissolution but let the Backup, that insidious faux certainty that will NEVER come to be until it's we, not our 
that communed, 
subsumed, aether's 
runes, and so equipped, 
spins eternity.

[Cue: An exeunt to Wagner (rotate) ]
[Anecdotal closing credits; slight haze]

I must be devolving down into an entirely altruistic state of Wagnerian epic pomposity, roaring if not quite on a Roll, spewing out outré short comedy with not an iota of benefit for the fuel, border crossing fees, sci-fi conceptions of alien detritus like royalties or the care of the duodenal ulcer that is the weird I carry for the ONE time that I was too involved in this my curse and neglected to laugh at a jest of Loki's!! Fucketh not with a God especially one who has never had need of megalomania because he IS a GOD and you know what? Immortals have Very, Very Good Memories and the time to indulge them!

Thursday, 7 April 2016

…Then Everything Ended

Alarum! Alarum! O! The Day of Judgement must be nigh unto us!! I am cooking during DAYLIGHT HOURS!!
O, woe unto us! (I was just catering to a hankering for some roast chicken, I SWEAR that's all it was! Really! I didn't MEAN to trigger the End of Days but, just as I'm sliding the pan with the chicken parts on it into the oven, BRAAMMM!!! Suddenly the archangel Uriel is in my kitchen, dumping a bowl of some sort of lumpy liquid the colour of "sick" (the only word I know that even comes close!) out of my kitchen window and onto the lawn below! Fuck! If I hadn't been upwindward I'd'a DIED; it stunk worse'n Chicago in '68!! RrrgAH!! (sorry but just couldn't hold it no more.…)
Done with His dump, Uriel chucks the bowl up and far away, turns to me (I haven't even closed the oven door yet & the left side of my face is feelin' hotter'n Hell), says, "Better you than me, buddy. The stairs down there and then a left? Right; thanks. And if I were you, I'd get as far as I could from this place, and Fast!"
"Get out of the building?" Uriel just looks at me for a moment as if God had only recently created idiots and I was the first one He'd ever seen. Then He walks out and in about a minute I can barely hear angelic footsteps whisper down the stairs and out of Creation.…)

I closed the oven door.

The Elusive Long-Taled Short

Beg yer pardon if I unintentionally draw forth a ghost of the concept of matrimonial rituals but I've a new spin on something old.…
Once more my lack of attention paid to the uninteresting resulted in a ransacking of my apartment by myself. I had not lost my cigarette holder, and though of interest to me, was of no assistance when looking for a bayonet. A modern one may be familiar. The odds in favour of that being the case are comparable to my wearing of blue Calvin Klein boxer shorts at the time I write this. Had you bet one of your vital organs you would be feeling that you had not wanted that matched pair of Phyllis Diller shoe-keepers all that much anyway.
I was looking for a British-made Sanderson bayonet manufactured to fit a Lee-Enfield Mk I. It was in the original sheath, was made in 1907 for the Boer War and, in its sheath, measured about 23" in length. It usually just lay on my sleeping spot amongst the ordinary sort of clutter to be expected lying about on a masculine chap's cot: a shortwave radio, the SAS survival manual (compact field version), cookies, several coiled bootstrings, 3 variations on the combat knife, 6 teddy bears, air-powered dart gun (loaded), an Eng.-Latin-Eng. dictionary, BDSM bondage guide, 3-medium sized bags of drugs, 1 container of ultra-high calorie-count fried bread, box of scalpels (opened), selection of electronics products, Kerouac's "On The Road," skin grease (high-lipid % hospital grade), box of latex gloves, minimum-trace assassination devices (or not) (could be imaginary, could be patent-pending), sci-fi, 8+ bandanas, dirt, tobacco powder, stiff wads of Kleenex, etc.

Because this antique accessory never left HQ nor was there a Lee-Enfield present that was in need of accessorizing, the space allotted for the missing item and its seeker seemed not unreasonable as a point of egress into the material survey. (Like, why not? The place is getting wrecked anyway.)
At this point the only relevant information required is that HQ is in a one-bedroom apartment with a large living room the floor of which, as well as every horizontal surface of every piece of furniture, is covered with a museum quantity of nearly infinite examples of what is meant by "stuff." There is a good sized kitchen similarly arrayed with the notable exception of the counters and cooking surfaces, an L-shaped entrance-way with a junk-surrounded passage through the centre of it, and finally, a bathroom with a bathtub/shower and the usual other Western world sanitation facilities. The HQ can also boast of three built-in clothes closets though there is no motive so to do.
Having first half-emptied the "bed" and searched its surfaces and crevices to no avail, the search continued methodically through the entire apt., using a three D-cell Maglite to focus the one-man investigative crew's attention, using up an hour to attend to every space, crack, crevice and gap. Boxes and bags were moved to check both behind and under them. "Junk" was moved to allow closet doors (which had not revealed their interiors for years) to be opened. Note: the item sought had not been seen in about 4-5 days. This is pointed out only to illustrate the thoroughness of the rescue efforts. Though much perspiration was indeed brought to light none of it was found to be hiding a bayonet of slightly less than two feet in length. Abstruse, arcane and even occult theories were built and were in their turn discarded. The morale of the work crew sank to the depth of the Marianas Trench (the deepest known point of all of the oceans of the Earth). The crew was returning to the starting point of its search, prepared to do it all over after regrouping and refreshing itself, when a small cardboard box which had once been filled to overflowing with first aid supplies was noticed on a nightstand at the foot of the folded-out couch that served as both support-for and platform-for the sleeping/day-rest pallet. Much too small to either contain or cover the cold instrument of impalement it was nonetheless moved aside so that it could not be recorded that any coordinate within the dwelling had been ignored.
Behind the box was revealed the hilt of the death-dealing steel, which had lodged diagonally at such an angle that no part of it was visible unless its seemingly insufficient disguise was radically relocated.

This is a first for your humble correspondent: not only was the lost object in the last place that was looked into, said which truism's humour resides precisely in its inevitability. The find was also made in the last place there WAS to look!

Wednesday, 24 February 2016

Sunless Shades

The avatar of the avenger,
The shadow of the reaper,
The pale, clammy face of Death,
Walks unhindered among 
Blind, unknowing masses.
Counting heads, counting hours.
Keeping time with heartbeats,
Keeping track of when to
Unwind their time.
Before the first birth
Was born the thirst of the 
Ghost, stalking amongst
Rocks and rivers, appetite 
Awake, with terrible thirst to
Slake, restless, ever-waiting.
Waiting for the souls to 
Come and, having become, they
Then as now, be the fondest
Food of doom.… 

Sunday, 14 February 2016

A Meditation (In Two Parts)

Is this
I have ever 
It's down to 
Stretching the 
To at once be and yet
Not be.
Variations on waiting.
Breathing, breathing.
Om mane padme hum.…

What shall this 
Correspondent report?
Woe is upon me and 
Also some sunsprites.
Never mind the clouds;
My pocket could stand a
Silver lining.

But I dissemble, ramble,
Wander in my thoughts.

So sue me.

