Blog Archive

Sunday, 18 September 2016

Button-down Sanitary Mannerisms

When you kneel you 
Are ten feet tall, even 
Though, standing, 
You are small. Take my
Hand, that paradox will 
Vanish. Come, and I will banish 
The fears that keep you chained
By acquainting you with 
The pleasure that is pain.

As you have seen, I
Hand out no decrees,
Believing it more 
Efficacious to teach 
Not with words but through deeds.
You who've borne witness 
To my razor-wire love,
To all my emotional 
Furniture, upholstered 
In leather most unique:  
The tanned hides of Angels
Who'd met with Heavenly
Rejection, been ejected and 
Had fallen unforgiven after 
Failing the affection of 
The landlord of Paradise,
Their Creator high above.

Those sights and others 
You've in memory stored,
Mark you apart from your 
Brothers, who you so little 
Resemble that it's hard to 
Believe you ever shared the 
Same mother.
The time of your life you've
Sacrificed to living as the eye
Of my whirlwind obsession 
Has left in your flesh a host
Of impressions, the scars of 
The lessons that you've learned.
Each one and all together, potent
Testimony to the effort 
Spent and to the fact that 
Each ragged scar
Was well and truly earned.

Before you did accept my
Offered invitation, I
Suspect the mirror in your mind 
Did reflect a you that 
Lay well below your station, 
Though you knew it not, as
You lacked sufficient information. 
But now you've come and it's 
Time to run the gauntlet of 
My iron glove, which you may 
Approach with trepidation, for 
You've yet to be singed by the
Hungry fire living at the core 
Of your every need and dire desire,
Which only iron (clothed in 
Velvet love and stitched with 
Gold to your soul of souls) can 
Supply the peace you crave, but 
Even as the pains seem to cease,
By some sly sensual subterfuge,  
Awakens a wet, wild want for the 
Deepest kiss of that sublime bliss
We can but palely name 
Unlimited satisfaction.

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