Blog Archive

Tuesday, 10 May 2016


What are you?
Are you as essential 
As the pencil is 
To paper? 
As the lunar light 
Is to raven wingèd
As, later in the coming 
Morn, the dawn 
Once more will break, and 
When broken, there won't 
Be no light no more. So 
Darling, please, be 
My very own heroin: pick
Out a vein and shoot 
Your life therein.
Let me watch and, as 
I grow stronger,
You'll wither, linger, die
In time no thicker 
Than my little finger.
Once you swore you'd  
Be my friend until 
The very end of ends, 'till,
Though I'd've lost my all, still 
You'd cling, giving no heed 
To how feeble were my
Shredded leavings.
Now, and as Desolation is
My witness, I see
You strive to swim away.
Well, my, my, my, my dear,
Let me toss you some 
Comfort: this lifesaver, custom
Made of lead. It strikes me 
As the perfect payment for 
So casual a betrayal,
A phoney kiss so far 
Off the mark
That even Judas, in 
His well-earned heated pit,
Can't help but bray with 
Raucous laughter,
Though he thrash in
Agony eternal forever after.
So, grasp now my gift, my
Dearest one, drown deep and 
Fast, for there's but a finite
Limit to how long I 
Can or canst keep my 
Righteous vengeance 
In restraint. God may, in
Deed, forgive but yet
From true forgetfulness 
We both refrain.

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