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Tuesday, 16 January 2018

An Ode To Endings

I know the face of madness, for I stare into it as long as I’m awake. Madness is what the mirror shows me, the mirror that faces me from beneath my skin. Though the world looks at me and sees exactly what it expects to see, the view from inside is quite different, as different as is the soul from the meat of a man. Oh, the outlines are the same: one man, one meat, one mirror. A different shape for every Earthwalker, different hues for each Deathstalker, a fate unique for every Soul-locker.…So the mirror shows: each quaking soul, mapless, pathless, on and on they roll until they fail and in failing, fall, through gates foretold of old, each to its awaiting hole, dank and black and immeasurably cold.

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