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Monday, 3 March 2025

Being In The Now

Let's see if I understand this. History is concerned with the past. When you speak of history coming to an end, what are you really saying? That the past no longer matters? The past has created the present & the present is an eternal now? Has time stopped? That last point seems impossible because time is duration and without duration motion becomes impossible on every level, from the subatomic to the cosmic: the Universe stops. End history and you eliminate the possibility of a future, all from an objective viewpoint. But humans have a subjective viewpoint so, faced with the end of history, with the end of chronology, how can people experience anything? Is the essence of God the fact that "He" exists in an eternal present, and is therefore impossible for we temporal beings to ever understand, impossible to even be truly aware of? The gulf between the Creator and the created can never be bridged.

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