Blog Archive

Thursday, 16 February 2023

Grammarian Thought

Crows come in murders 
When collectivised by a noun 
Nouns, when collectivised
Are communist components
Of classless and free
Speech so,

Should homicide happen 
Should it happen out of doors 
Then crows will surely show 
For crows also come with 
As all assassins know.

Wednesday, 15 February 2023

Face It

If you believe in love 
If you believe in hope 
You believe in myths 
No different from a
Belief in ghosts

Monday, 13 February 2023

Undead Prime

What can an ending mean for you 
When there's nothing you've yet begun?
How can you sense the cold 
Creep of nightfalls 
When you have never seen the sun?

"The limits that you most dextrously use 
To stay within the bindings
Lesser wraiths would have easily loosed..."

They are charming to we apart 
Who merely look upon them but,
Cause terror in those who understand...
Those lace bracelets, spell-wrapped,
Snug 'round your wrists and hands 
Await your waking of the Overwill
To project the Fear
That first cruelly maddens
And then assumes command...

(For Scary, with respectful affection)

Sunday, 12 February 2023


I think that I am learning 
Acquiring some discipline 
Because my mind is open now 
Some thoughts can get in 
That doesn't mean I'm about 
To open my mouth
And let them out 

Dark Art

Within live paintings that 
Painters will never paint 
Poets know words that 
Must never be read 
Putting it out 
All on the table,
If the weather is right,
Can prove to be fatal 

Jaded Days

The way one grim issue follows the next,
Leaves me to believe that I'm 
Still under some wizard's hex or 
Maybe it's that same band of bitches
And I'm still cursed by trollish witches...

Twisted History

In all of the reading that I have done on the Great Depression, I've yet to find any proof of the government's fabled great Prozac Production Push or the New Deal's National Valium Distribution plan. Where's the missing history? The Alprazolam Emergency Plan, etc?

Political Op-ed (2/23)

Republicans are not fitting well into their jobs as Representatives. They'd be better off with a change of venue and trade their House seats for places in cans of luncheon meat. The IQ needed there even GOP should reach.

Holy War

If you find that God has become 
Your active adversary, there's not 
Much that you can do except 
Keep your chin up, buddy, since 
Your chances of being victorious 
Well, there simply aren't any...

Saturday, 11 February 2023

Explanation not Excuse

I write verse that others would 
Not allow to even be 
Of facts about how life begins and 
Ends, of desire too terrifying for 
Most of the sane to even comprehend 
But I create none of it, I but observe 
And write about as clearly as I can 
Because wilful ignorance is worse 
Than anything in this world that 
You may see but perhaps not 
Immediately understand
And that's about you and not me 

Death Delivered Reluctantly

Death Delivered Reluctantly 

If people would just behave 
More courteously
Have aneurysms or heart attacks 
Save me the sweat that needs be 
Spent using hatchets or cutlery 
It's not as if they'd be immortal 
If they'd never encountered me 
Or others of my kind who only wish 
To free their souls from gross bodies 
Of meat and gristle that'll only turn 
To mould and worse, food for worms 
When wouldn't they rather be recalled 
By those who loved them while 
They were vital and walked the Earth in 
Search of beauty and of all 
That life is worth...?

The End of Ends

I'm so filled with fury and with hate
That I want to eliminate this world 
To watch it burn into toxic ash
Poison gas and the glowing remains 
Of cosmic collisions and a rain 
Of radioactive piss, the most fitting 
Salute to what was doomed from the start 
Once evolution brought to life 
Pure pride and greed, the lust for which 
Nothing mortal could ever satiate 
That only an exploding star could 
Purify and hope to clean and erase 
The stain of from the sterility that is 
At the heart of silent space...

The Human Dream

The best to hope for 
From the future is
Quick and painless death
To prevent our blocking of 
The progress of all 
The other life on Earth 
To which humanity is of
Less than zero worth

Wednesday, 8 February 2023

Death, Take 1

People use language but many are not consciously aware of what they are actually saying. Ignore the sounds of the dying and say, "Oh, I know what he means!" What are you? Some god? It's just a fluke if you're right.
You may just have stolen the last meaning that he gave away...

Death, Take 2

I don't care if you are encircled, heated, spiritually protected by nine generations of family, or the beacon shining from your heart has pulled your friends near to thee.
Were you the central bone of a 
Thriving, packed, human mass
You'll still die all alone.

Ukraine & Russia: Fight Yesterday Today

Race/social memory is self-perpetuating and if the recollection of Stalingrad can be rekindled by the Russian leaders, the outcome of the conflict will never be certain. Both politicians and pundits often toss about the phrase "hearts and minds," like a magic spell that will give birth to victory. They fail to understand the people. Minds can come up with the plans but it's the hearts that carry satchel charges that will be stuck to tank's bases, hearts who are the water in the tsunami of the human wave and whose final shot is fired from the grave. 
The technically advanced Western power makes an error if they forget the power of dead grandfathers who gave their lives and more to annihilate the Germans at Stalingrad. Russian conscripts may be untried and poorly equipped but they have a supply train of history that is fuelled by pride. The Russian soldiers do not fight for Putin, they struggle on for the the honour of dead family, of whom they have many millions, for the glory of a history without end that has now fallen 'pon hard times like many times before. Western tech is powerful and frightening but, is it strong enough to crush and eliminate this enemy's history, its pride and its will to live? Napoleon thought so and where is his Empire now? Germans, Swedish, Islamic armies and others, today enrich the black soil from which comes the blackest bread that feeds the subjects of German genocide alongside plagues and famines, all of the ways in which the Russian people never died.

Tuesday, 7 February 2023

Dramatis Personæ

Empty stage 

Journal Entry, Never Read

I'm lost on a lake 
All alone 
I know how to paddle 
But not how to row

The Monster Reimagined

If you believe that you and your body are now mature and have nowhere to grow, could you please explain why I should leave you still breathing when you lack a spirit you will never own...

Aiming Vaguely

Efforts to cause meaningless phrases
Lets language daily escape 
That's empty of corpus or spirit 
While the imprisoned with prejudice 
In subtle ingenious ways 
Routinely engage in incest
Using foreign names and alien parts 


Death is but a photograph of a 
future that you have yet to meet. 
Just wait, you will see that 
you occupy the same negative 
space in which your absence 
will be placed 


The obvious life 
A liver mill
Organs swim unnoticed 
Paddle by paddles 
That steal the power of 
Passing wheels

Aiming Vaguely

Efforts to cause meaningless phrases
Lets language daily escape 
That's empty of corpus or spirit 
While the imprisoned with prejudice 
In subtle ingenious ways 
Routinely engage in incest
Using foreign names and alien parts 

Monday, 6 February 2023


To win the race, to be the first past the gate, loses its charm if the slugs you did defeat make you the centrepiece of their extravagant victor's feast.

Saturday, 4 February 2023


We're committing genocide of the Earth's biosphere 
While we are still living here 
That should spark the realisation
We are not Earth's finest creation
Life that experienced the same 
Sea-to-land transition 
Is led by its most toxic expression 

Nazi Party

Ever been to a Nazi party?
The best of drink,
The finest food, 
Teutonic music,
Waving flags to 
Set the festive mood.

A larger dance floor 
Than 54’s but lie unseen 
The lasers, strobes and fog
Machines that help 
Hide our debaucheries, 
At a price and all for free.

Intoxication for the nation,
Everybody’s expectation… 

Power so nigh keeps you high
While you slip from lip to thigh.
Another glass of nepenthe, dear?
Perhaps display your über rear?
If we should ever settle here,
In heaven lit by jackboots’ gleam,
Leather starved for your wet scream,
‘Til tingling toys awake your skin,
Both what is seen and that within.
Enter now our custom dream…

Guests engorge, indulge their fancies.
See? There’s Goebbels in his wife’s panties.
We’re here to satisfy, we are the reason why 
You came here free, of your own will
But moonlight forges bonds of steel. 
Now, sunk in our philosophy 
Your soul is ours, feel our power,
Possessed flesh is all you’ll see.

We’re so glad you obeyed 
Our desire’s invitation,
For forever now you’ll 
Ever help to swell 
Our population.…

Homeless and Bored

What’s up, old cardboard box?
We’ve done another day 
It look like tonight gonna get real dark 
Where in Hell we gonna gets us a’tarp?
Sometime old coats you can gets free 
From one or ‘nother those Societys 
But boots, fuck, they’re a bitch
Still, can’t do dick ‘bout it now 
Stop thinkin’ them boots, just stop thinkin
We should be damn good ‘til
We do those next break-ins
So say, paper palace, let’s just 
Get down to the drinkin!

NyQuil, NyQuil, friend and energy 
Take this dark and cold away from me 
NyQuil, NyQuil, trusted remedy
Shut my brain and set me free 
NyQuil, NyQuil, heroin of the poor 
Gots nuthin better but you’ll do for sure 
NyQuil, NyQuil, you comfort us poor
Cause us poor fuckers need smack too
At least we got green heaven 
In cheap bottles made for one 
If you can score it, NyQuil and gin
Taken together, make strong medicine 
Green heaven and gin will knock you down 
Until grey morning rings another round 

Friday, 3 February 2023

Dark Wanders

It’s the same with all you lose 

Every room gets dusty 

Every place gets dark 

Except the bushes in the park 

Lit up by the night 

And necessity,

My last escape from what used to be

Thursday, 2 February 2023

Adipose Overdose

Now I’m wondering if I’m suffering that killer plague of fear that’s our loudest alarm. Soon some John Doe will be eaten, what remains mutated by cosmic force we don’t understand until it’s the biggest piece of furniture 
or anything in the office: the mass of a desk, computer, a whole IT station couldn’t compete with such a mountain of meat which is still expanding. Exponentially.
In order to avoid a less gruesome fate, nuclear 
weapons are the one sure cure.
An ICBM won’t simply scratch it,
Adipose will vanish, disintegrated. 
With no more war, nothing to fight, 
We’ll only have added a novel new shade 
To our great Northern Lights. Won’t that be rad?

