Blog Archive

Monday, 27 January 2025

Constitution Class

I, while not being a citizen or resident of the United States of America, am a concerned and curious alien. Back during the Trump 1 administration there was enough chaos and confusion to cause both politicians and civilians to churn words about what was and was not in the Constitution and how what was should be interpreted. Two things appeared to be unclear. Do American schools teach civics? Are politicians expected or required to read said Constitution? The ratio of answers to questions was disheartening to say the least. It wasn't my problem but I was curious: how hard could it be?
So I went to Apple's bookshop and downloaded a copy of the Constitution of the USA. For free. So it didn't cost anything and it was in English! How much more accessible could it be? I'm no lawyer but I'm reasonably well educated and I have had to read through insurance policies more than once. As it turned out, reading the document required paying attention but it wasn't a challenge. It took me considerably longer to get the overall gist of that pillar of the American republic. By "considerably" I mean under two hours. If you listened to Ms Miller read the Constitution, you might have heard a certain rhythm to the language. Not a mantra, although if you weren't conversant in English it may've reminded you of a liturgy. But forget my experience, the point of it all is that, unless you are illiterate in English, the Constitution is quite accessible and if you are American, I should think it would be required reading. If you don't know how the System is supposed to work, how will you ever know when you are being led by the nose to the Abattoir That Was Democracy? For the seventh heaven's sake, if you don't want to read it for your own sake, read it for the sake of your children! 
[Sorry, that dragged on longer than expected...]

Monday, 13 January 2025

Jesus In Camouflage

As I understand it, Jesus may've had two related reasons for not wishing to be identified as the Son of God right from the beginning of His ministry. The first could've been that in the society in which He lived, such an identification would've proved to be fatal without concrete, indisputable, evidence that He was a manifestation of God the Almighty.

The second reason for not being revealed overtly as God ties into the first and is concerned with the nature of salvation. Given that salvation hinges on one's faith in God and in His actions--such as, but not limited to, the resurrection of Jesus--and that faith is defined as belief in the absence of material, existential, proof/evidence, then the possibility of faith would've been eliminated had the truth of Jesus-is-God been made manifest and proof beyond the possibility of being doubted.

The reality of Jesus's miracles and the truth of His teaching can only require faith if Jesus is seen by the people as being from/of God but not as being God The Most High Himself. As long as Jesus performs miracles and presents teachings that are made possible by God, faith in God and in the actions and sayings of Jesus, the Face of God to the people of Earth (and to the entirety of Creation) remains possible, and to some, even self-evident (though I am not in the least of the opinion that that would be for the best).

Faith as belief in an intellectual vacuum is well suited to meditation but, only after one is satisfied with one's definition of "belief."

Sunday, 12 January 2025

The In Outside

Now, open the door 
And step on through  
Into my suite of rooms.
And so very sweet 
My rooms can be...

Door, closet, cupboard:
Here, where most of 
What you're able to 
See, carries 'pon
Its crosshatched back
A silent sliding metaphor
Of a well masked majick door.
Then, with a stride both 
Noble and high-blood 
Dignified, you approach 
An Aeon in a gown.

And I may hide a prize in 
Disguise: an eldritch gate
To the beating black meat 
That is the heart of our 
Common cold and callous 
An eternity, not 
Of words, but just an 
Amorphous cloud of

Wednesday, 8 January 2025

Query The Captain

When 'round a sphere
You go, how much trust 
Can you abide
When you're out of sight 
Of the other side?
Does direction draw
You on, your path dictate,
Whether true or dire
Have you chosen well 
Through navigation or lost
Your path through lack
Of foresight, skill or
Mayhap a faceless,
Fey, feckless or
Merely malign Fate?

The End Begins

Carouse in chaos!
It's so much more fun
Than Universal 
Laws or rules allow 
Matter to behave.
Seek your fulfillment 
In the random joy
Found by every
Single girl and boy 
Every day they
Remember to live,
Not as hoarders of 
Their supply of love,
But may they instead
Sow whole fields with seeds
Of the compassion 
Our withered world needs.

