Blog Archive

Tuesday, 12 October 2021

The Log In Your Eye Is Trump

Trump has been a godsend to the publishing industry. Yes, Trumpism is tearing America to pieces and, yes, it will negatively impact the rest of the world but, that's hardly the most deadly foe we face. America has to deal with Trump but the world has to deal with global warming, which is a much graver threat. 
However that's not the impression one would get if you looked at the window display in any given bookstore. Books about a failed President outnumber books about our collective suicide, as we continue to murder Earth's biosphere, by my guesstimate, 100 to 1.
That disparity is much deadlier than Trump could ever hoped to have been, short of initiating a nuclear war. 
So, stop looking at the glitter that is being dangled in front of your eyes and look past it to see our real enemy: ourselves.

