Blog Archive

Wednesday, 18 August 2021

The Span of a Man

Think not upon  Selbstmord for we're all mortal and born to die, by and by, and centuries hence we'll be forgot as 'neath the earth we lie.

Friday, 13 August 2021

The Statue of Libertines

The US doesn't have its own gulags but they are practicing. So far they have Gitmo and the highest percentage of their population behind bars of any country in the world. And if you go for just the numbers, I believe that the US has more people jailed than Russia and China combined.
"The land of the free." Not in this dimension. Here, if you have no food and get caught stealing a slice of pizza to stay alive, you're sent to prison for 20 years, while the Lady of Liberty sucks Trump's dick.

Cacophony of Thought

I hope that you are feeling well and with--what is in your hand bag? It's slowly beginning to warm up.…
Do let's get it into the back yard, it's getting pretty hot but I can't think about it now. I want it as far from the house as--Christ! It's REALLY hot now; I'm going to need bandages--how far are...THERE IT IS!! I CAN make it! Damn! I'm going to see if the medicine cabinet or the bedrooms have anything useful. I bloody well hope so 'cause my hands are STILL getting even hotter! What the fuck is in that.…jar? And why does the smallest one wear a hat while the other ones don't. And it's the hat that's it's lid. I presume that only one of those needs a hat. Now, let's see if we can imagine some food and drink for ourselves. Get a little yang in us and that rain forest won't bother us none.
Better get everyone in here and make a circle of power. Do you know why there's so little magick in the world? Distraction and camouflage, that's the disguise. And now, before we get our kits and our "prizes" under cover, I vote for taking five! Fuck it! Take ten! Sighs.…
All the while, IT watched but it knew not what IT saw: a small band of privateers assaying the profit potential of the planet. Very soon, IT began to feel a maddening itching sensation which continued to grow in intensity until IT broke into the Plane of Missing Dimensions which, within itself, contains the Non-Time Zone, referred to by some adept traditions as Limbo (though its residents prefer the more technical name, to avoid confusion but it is unfortunate that "Limbo" IS the greatest distributor of confusion and entropy in That Which Is). Now it can be stated that IT exists but some use the gentler description, saying that IT "has been through some changes" while fewer still continue to use the good old "well IT just has a lot on ITS plate right now." But, frankly, craving began to grow inside of IT and brought back memories of elder days, of the bodies intrepid but a very small troop as IT's prize, trying to decide whether to snatch its prize all in one berserk raid or to stretch out the tastes by taking them one by one.
It slept well that night. 


That long balloon is a little part of a story that doesn't exist. Yes, it was extemporised right here, no plan or plot. It was improvised out of the blue (cheesy phrase but what the hell?) "I've done it! I've done it! Finally, your sweater is finished!!" 
(As I have it on good report that that is an appropriate phrase to utter at times such as these.) If you get messages about requests for more, just fiddle-faddle; talk them into circles until they cut comms out of despair. You are the ultimate bureaucrat!  I'm sure that you will quickly dispatch those gleaming hairless snoop containers that they wear upon their shoulders.… Now, perhaps a mug of plankton cocktail would improve my mood. Let's see. Ah! There comes one. "RUNNER!!!"


There is a generation growing right now that will not understand the question: "Will that be smoking or non-smoking?"

Monday, 9 August 2021

How I Will Give Up Sleep

I will evolve into a transhuman. They do not sleep but they can dream whenever they wish. They can even dreamover! Imagine being able to switch what you call your "real" life for the actual life that you keep inside your mind. True freedom, living according to your own rules and not by those created by the Persuaders. Obviously almost no one can naturally peel back the shields and look upon base reality but a few, the schizoids (not to be confused with the schizophrenics, who are but misunderstood humans) can reflexively see the Structure and therefore everything built from and upon it, like the base reality. Base reality is necessary for what is called the "real" world upon which so, so many entities depend. Without the Structure, without a form to exist within, there could be no entities, human or (inside of their actual world) transhuman.

And so begins the Book of the Structure.

All Vikings Volunteer

Technicians and merchants 
Meet in seedy bars perchance 
Gold only emboldens the bold
Mammalian scars but name 
The bar where confidants 
Can be bought 
The cards are spread 
Twenty-one at the head 
What I thought would be read 
So follow me do
My glint equipped crew
Ready to take the first 
Hull whose watch has dipped 
Deep down in the warmth 
Of Our Lady of the Rum
It's always rare blame that
Can be draped o'er 
The over-taxed sailor 

Sunday, 8 August 2021

On the Abrahamic God

 God is a mental case best left ignored. On the one hand He threatens people with eternities of unimaginable torment for the slightest of infractions, as anyone who has read the Bible with some degree of attention would know. Yet on the other hand He maintains that He loves all people. One would be advised to take care before swearing allegiance to an obvious schizophrenic.

