Blog Archive

Monday, 23 November 2020


A strange night ends
In meaningless morning.
Sebastian plays calming 
Chords just out of sight
But, I’m confused again:
Which of us is 
Truly playing?
Who’s the composer 
And who is composed?
And what have I lost?
At first I thought a script,
Then, the refined runes
Of a score which 
No one was keeping.
A musical notation to 
Fix the melodic pose,
The harmonic of 
The underclothes. 
Tweak and trim until 
It’s time to leave 
And we’re dressed to kill.
The sheet upon the 
Podium gleams pristine 
Stripped of its notes, 
Leaving but lines 
On paper 
In black distress.

Tuesday, 3 November 2020

America: Election 2020

I’m not sure that ironic is quite the right word but there are folks in America who fear a race war depending on how the election plays out. 
A race war is precisely what Charles Manson wanted to ignite. What a vindication it would be were he to be proven a prophet.

