Blog Archive

Thursday, 30 January 2020

Haiku #307

They’ll vote ‘cause it’s free 
Gene-tweaked for society 
Hopelessly happy 

Tuesday, 28 January 2020

Haiku #306

Awake, ye olde bones!
Blow truth past your tongues of dust,
Shield us from what’s fey.…

Saturday, 25 January 2020

Haiku #305

We no longer ask,
Where have all the flowers gone.
Why? Do we now know?

Haiku #304

Early on you learn:
Love doesn’t make folk immortal 
And your turn will come.

Friday, 24 January 2020

Haiku #303

Take care if you’d learn 
Knowledge is both boon and bane
Wisdom’s earned through pain 

Thursday, 23 January 2020

Haiku #302

Let this sleep not end
Darkness breeds the dreams I need 
Light births but folly

Sunday, 19 January 2020


Unleash your feelings,
Bare your heart and all its parts,
Reach out to those around as
Passion consecrates the ground.
Then when you find it,
(Have no doubt: you will)
Re-ignite your soul’s coals
With a sentient spark from 
Life’s eternal sacred flame!

Saturday, 18 January 2020

Haiku #301

Sound in a whirlwind 
Some humming art that confounds
Its proofs slyly styled

Thursday, 16 January 2020

Haiku #300

When the hawk’s wings sing
Heroes rise as berserks born
Sound now battle horns…

Haiku #299

Alphabets don’t speak
Singly or in unison 
‘Til you fix with glyphs 

Haiku #298

Killers, cold and gaunt
Their hunger piqued by the dark 
Swim the fog like sharks 

Haiku #297

Play your last act through 
Lose your love to angry truth 
Then seek peace in lies

Sunday, 12 January 2020

A Maudlin Demise

Make no mistake, 
Death shouldn’t be messy.
It’s best approached 
With trained tastes, 
Subtle sensibilities, 
A certain innate feel
For nuance, a sense of 
Elvis died on a 
(Porcelain) throne,
Without a shred of 
Dignity, though he 
Passed away at home. 
Had he known just how 
He’d go, his last snap:
Slumped, fat and flabby,
He would’ve noshed
On loperamide, the 
Higher to drive the 
Chances of dying 
With his pants on. 
Could he’d’ve chosen 
Where he’d sigh his last 
And, mayhap too, picked
Some other beating heart 
For company and closure, 
(Though truth to tell, were 
We off to Heaven or to
Hell, amidst packed kin
Or in cold solitude,
Alone do we all leave.)
With a backstage pass 
To the eternal show,
The King left this plane,
Eschewed his corpse,
Jumped that last hoop
But, before he left, he 
Had a nice warm poop. 


Your banker’s a wanker,
Your wife’s hooked on dice.
Your kids (that survived) 
Are lawyers by day
And head-hunters 
By night, high on the 
Government dole.
Nothing you own is
Worth being sold,
Your work’s sub-par 
Even for waste.
To top it all off,
Your thoughts they are stale,
And your every shot at
Suicide fails.

Menial Hexercise

First, relax.… That’s it.
Now, cave in through your nose.
Nice and slow.… Good. 
Now cave out through your mouth. 

Saturday, 11 January 2020

Haiku #296

Life’s all robust rhythm 
A lusty beat on repeat 
‘Til its echoes end.…

Thursday, 9 January 2020

Haiku #295

Shall we loose the waves, 
Cleanse ourselves from Earth’s live crust
As if “why” was “must?”

Monday, 6 January 2020

Haiku #294

Human slavery 
A practice that won’t stay dead 
Soul sales won’t either 

Who Needs Nothing

If you give up your life, you’ve really given nothing at all, certainly not anything that you won’t end up losing at some point anyway. So, if you do give up your life, what do you have to show for it? Your absence. And what is absence if not nothing?

Thursday, 2 January 2020

Haiku #293

Never and a day 
The bulk of lives go that way 
Rough roads to follow 


By the stars, we
Each the other for 
Surviving to see
Yet another new 
Year, as if we’d
Built it from a kit or 
Played any part 
In creating it.
Had we a crumb
Of humility 
What would we
Really see?
Nothing more stirring 
Than the endless 
Whirring of our 
Perpetual arbitrary 
Collectively we
Add up our days
While, individually,
Our allotted sum
Ratchets down from 
Some to none.

