Blog Archive

Saturday, 30 November 2019

Haiku #292

Stoke not rime-rimmed hearts 
False friends freeze when faced with need
Shield your flame ‘gainst thieves 

One Line Poem

If anyone should ever steal my heart, they’d be mired in litigation ‘til death do us part.


The wheel’s been spun,
The future’s come and 
Now, in my estimation,
There’s but one way to 
Win in this situation and 
That’s by learning 
How best to cultivate 
A fierce and finely 
Focused hate.

Friday, 29 November 2019

Ohio (2019)

To kill the healers
No sane State would legislate 
For it’d make it all too clear 
That they rule through fear
And systemic hate

Tuesday, 26 November 2019

Haiku #291

Why, O Lord? O why
Have I been hung out to dry?
Didn’t We have a deal?

Sunday, 24 November 2019

League of Legends

A burning blade to cauterise 
Gaping wounds in battle made,
Mead’s madness hearts enflame
So that swinging sword and 
Hacking axe still the standing slay
As ‘pon the field the berserks play,
Hoarding glory, an eldritch alchemy 
Sending back the flesh of men
To the clay from whence they
Came, for only souls are
Borne away by Valkyries on
Wings of steel through the 
Bloody breeze that the 
Last gasps of heroes breathe,
Leaving then their manly meat
Upon the ground below 
And, as spirits freed, they fly 
To fair Valhalla’s halls, 
There to feast and war
Eternally, while bards do roar
In the rarified air 
High above the lofty skies. 

Thursday, 21 November 2019

Haiku #290

Sad is shadowed day
Yet the Sun, though briefly dimmed,
O’er its portion reigns 


There are thoughts that 

Mustn’t be thought, for

Else you’ll founder ‘pon

The rocks of memory, 

There to drown and die,

Never free.

Tuesday, 19 November 2019

Haiku #289

Truth’s a task to catch 

For it’s not chained just to facts

Read that which you grasp 

Monday, 18 November 2019

Atheist vs Theist: A Weigh-In

I’m feeling compelled to point out a couple of things: 
First, the “debate” between theism and atheism is a non-issue, a disagreement that people are keeping alive for no good reason, because there is no reason involved and, if there was, the topic would have worn itself out long ago. 
Part of the problem is that while debating the theists, atheists fail to recognise that they too are arguing from a point of faith. The basic question is not about how the universe was created. The root question is about the existence or non-existence of some kind of transcendental “supreme being.” Now, the definition of “faith” is the decision to believe in something without the benefit of concrete or existential knowledge. In the light of this, the existence of the aforementioned “supreme entity” can neither be factually proven or disproven. Everyone has the freedom to choose whether to believe in the existence of a “God” (which is much easier to type than Supreme Being) or to deny the existence of a “God” but, people on both sides of the argument should have reason enough to recognise that neither position can be empirically proven to be true. If, for whatever motivation, you feel compelled to take a stand on the question, please do have the presence of mind to realise that you are making a choice to believe something that can never be empirically proven. Ironically enough, it is most often the atheists who allow themselves to wallow in the belief that their stand is somehow a “scientific” one. What hogwash. All they’ve done is chosen one of two hypotheses, neither of which can be demonstrated by direct observation or repeatable experiment. Where is the “science” in that? The religious folks are at least self-aware enough to know that their position can’t be proven. That’s why they have faith in the first place. Only one more point is required to put an end to this ridiculous argument that has accomplished nothing over the centuries except build walls between people, causing divisions instead of unity. Once both sides recognise that they have chosen to participate in a needless argument, they must then also allow for the possibility that the arbitrary position they have chosen might be wrong. Not that it matters when the issue will never be resolved but, it would reduce the amount of acrimony we’ve set loose in the world. 
Personally (if I haven’t made it clear yet), should I be asked where I stand in this (absurd) debate, and my questioner is not satisfied with “I really don’t care,” I will say that I’m an agnostic. In an argument with neither substance nor purpose, sitting on the fence is the responsible position of the reasonable. I see no reason to choose to believe in a hypothesis that is impossible to prove so, the agnostic neither claims that transcendental Powers exist, nor does he claim the equally powerless position that such Powers cannot exist. It’s much like what do you do in an election with two candidates, neither of which you approve of? You stay home; you simply don’t vote.
In closing I’ll reiterate: in the God argument, both atheists and theists hold onto a faith and, in too many cases, neither side is able to cope with the possibility that they might be wrong. And in most cases, neither side is willing to acknowledge that the argument they are keeping alive is just stupid on the face of it and, even more ridiculously, absolutely NOTHING depends on the argument they apparently enjoy to the fullest. Talking heads and rifle rounds: twits, the lot of ‘em.…

Friday, 15 November 2019

Haiku #288

Life’s got one lesson 

Be deft at being bereft 

Nothing comes to stay

Wednesday, 13 November 2019

Haiku #287

Youth’s bliss duty spares

Days free of necessities 

And of life’s full fee

Thursday, 7 November 2019

Haiku #286

Breeze borne leaves foretell 

Samhain signs the year’s decline 

To frost, ice and rime 

Haiku #285

We’re mortal clay ‘til

Life’s masque cracks: naught’s revealed ‘cept

Unused holes for souls. 

Monday, 4 November 2019

Just The Facts, Ma’am

The USA ain’t 

No welfare state ‘cause thems who’s

Gots won’t share their lots

Haiku #284

Love’s a waking dream 

Dreamt in pieces, scene by scene 

Bliss, stretched to extremes 

Haiku #283

If life’s but a game 

‘Twas a fool who set the rules 

A truly cruel fool 

Haiku #282

Thoughts on auction blocks 

Propaganda molds your minds

Zombies all in time 

Haiku #281

The news said love’s dead

Sadder words than Nietzsche’s claim

Won’t fit in my brain 

Saturday, 2 November 2019

Born For Thorns

Until I reach my endless sleep 

No one else shall e’er untangle

The thorny vine of fragrant rose 

With which her love my heart enclosed 

Friday, 1 November 2019

Haiku #280

I am my garden 

Strong as oak, fresh as the wind

Forever renewed

Haiku #279

A banana peel 

The perfect preemptive strike

Against a comic 

Haiku #278

Crazed were the corpses

Prancing midst the Samhain flames

Feasting while fires fed

Haiku #277

Peace is not conflict 

Yet we war with peace as prize

Why pretend surprise?

Haiku #276

Pale masks of beauty 

Pass backed by a rippling stream 

Death’s warped reflections 

Haiku #275

Here’s a thought for you:

Shrinks must try what they prescribe 

Naught else’ll earn them trust 

Haiku #274

Insanity rules 

In these times the sane will fail 

The nuts can adapt 

