Blog Archive

Saturday, 28 September 2019

Haiku #245

Skies by power torn 

Gaze upon that force and fire

Kneeling, deny pride

Wednesday, 25 September 2019

Haiku #244

You can have thick skin 

You can have nerves of Kevlar

You can still be shot 

Haiku #243

A pain-grey cradle 

The ache to indoctrinate 

Citizens of stone

Friday, 20 September 2019

Twitter “Tastes:” A Rant

What style I have I put down to my affinity for High Concept creation. 

Btw, I can’t really say how much hypocrisy manifests itself on this site but I believe that it’s more than a little. Haiku #241 is worth pointing out. As a haiku I think that it’s not bad at all. It is possibly my first one with erotic overtones (although, having written over 240 of the things, I can’t swear that I have never committed the sin of writing erotica before). I then broke even farther from the expectations of my followers by attaching a pic that revealed (GASP!!) a NIPPLE!!

My account is clearly labeled as NSFW but a follower would have to actually LOOK at the available info on who they decide to follow and I guess that’s too much like acting responsibly. 

But do you know what REALLY cracks me up? My barely erotic (pardon the pun) haiku didn’t get a single Like or RT BUT the next two DID!! The joke? Haiku #242, both versions of it, was completely UNINTELLIGIBLE!! I have no doubt whatsoever that not a single one of my followers can read the Futharc alphabet (ie: Old Norse). So, everyone pretends that sex—even a hint of it—is totally uninteresting, but something that can’t even be deciphered is worth a like, even if it was actually about their mother having anal sex with a donkey while swallowing embryos as if they were oysters Rockefeller. 

Tuesday, 17 September 2019

Haiku #242

Have you the knowledge 

Speak then the runes of power 

Mold thereby your world 

Haiku #241

Restraint’s the best of baits

In hunts eased by willing prey

For games two need play 

Haiku #240

Tether not desire

One’s wants fertilize the mind 

Seed the fields of how

Haiku #239

My mind’s a minefield 

Full of explosive mem’ries

That I cannot touch

Monday, 16 September 2019

Haiku #238

Inflame, aflame, flame

Changes, stages or aspects?

Words are magic’s heart 

Haiku #237

I know how you feel 

May be the most dangerous 

Words that you could say 

Sunday, 15 September 2019

Haiku #236

I’ve cast off my past 

The future’s still not in reach

And now evades me

Haiku #235

Even dumb questions 

Epistemology can 

Somehow justify

Haiku #234

The select elect

We raise to reign o’er us all 

Trust us far too much 

Haiku #233

Time is duration 

The axes of existence 

Needs must last to be 

Friday, 13 September 2019

Haiku #232

Habits support you 

Rituals bind you to Time

And constrain Chaos 

Haiku #231

“Skating on thin ice” 

A warning, not of ice, but

Of the deeps below 

Haiku #230

River’s misty chill 

Flows out’ve eyes that’ve seen too much 

Blown by frozen hearts 

Haiku #229

The voice of despair 

Universal as babies’ cries

No words are required 

Haiku #228

What’s known’s oft unseen 

Fish cannot see the water 

We can’t see the air 

Haiku #227

The after-fear shakes

Leftover adrenaline 

And now the cleaning…

Haiku #226

If I’m feeling safe

I know I’ve made an error:

I’ve trusted someone 

Wednesday, 11 September 2019

Haiku #225

Beyond my four walls, 

The language of solitude:

Leaves whisper, grass sighs

Haiku #224

When you make a wish 

You attempt to change the world 

Not an easy task

Tuesday, 10 September 2019

Haiku #223

Mister Mariner,

I’ve a helpful hint for you:

Toss the albatross.

Haiku #222

Anyone can kill 

Few can artfully damage 

Sculpt like a savage 

Haiku #221

Cold cream covers heat 

A sweet meal conceals your meat

Quick licks as clocks tick

Haiku #220

Cast away your shackles 

They’re only real in your mind 

You’re who lets them bind 

“It’s A Small World But I Wouldn’t Want To Paint It”*

The Earth is covered with different languages and if you replaced each language with a colour, the Earth would be a Jackson Pollock. A simple enough comparison with the one practical problem being the finding of a gallery large enough to allow you to hang the Earth.

(* The quote used as the title is from Steve Wright)

Haiku #219

Make the air sharp frost

Stroke me gently ‘til I bleed 

Your thirst’s end’s my need

No Ledge

If you know nothing about a subject, you can learn about it. However, it’s possible to know just enough of a given subject to be dangerous. A little knowledge can create the subjective impression in an individual that they know more than they actually do. This can lead to bad decisions and, given the social position held by the ignorant decision maker, the ultimate results can be truly disastrous. 

If you are unable to take the above and apply it to a particular contemporary high-level decision maker, then I wouldn’t trust your decisions, either. 

Haiku #218

View folk true and their 


Naught but a frayed scrim

Monday, 9 September 2019

Haiku #217

You left, kept the map

Endless possibilities 

How to choose my path?

Sunday, 8 September 2019

Haiku #216

Purified, priest-picked,

For this trade: Sure what’s-to-be

Through haruspicy

Saturday, 7 September 2019

Haiku #215

Bees we know to buzz

The newest news is buzz too

Our notice needs noise 

Haiku #214

Have we really met?

Dreams enforce uncertainty 

‘Cept for scars we share

Thursday, 5 September 2019

Haiku #213

Birth’s a felony 

That comes with a death sentence 

God’s justice is fixed 

Haiku #212

Lady Snake is lithe 

Slithers ‘tween my skin and dream 

Flays mine mind: I scream 

Wednesday, 4 September 2019

Haiku #211

To hurt is either 

A feeling or an action 

Or both, for the weird 

Haiku #210

If I fell in love 

How dismal it’d be to fall 

Alone and lonely 

Haiku #209

My animal love

Thin film ‘tween your kiss and kill

Yet I gamble, thrilled 

Haiku #208

Aeons of ions

Polish bright the air we lose

Decorate our death 

Haiku #207

What mirror be this?

My heart revealed, draped outside,

Open to all ills…

Haiku #206

Bring fair fare to fairs

The unknown you cannot trust 

Guard ‘gainst fairies’ wares

Haiku #205

Ahead looms a wall 

Approach blocks like rivers do 

Trade time for progress 

Mad Mary

Oh, Mad Mary,

Where are your shoes?

Oh, Mad Mary,

Where are your shoes?

The scabs you’re creatin’

They give me the blues…

Sunday, 1 September 2019


Q: Why is it that while there are billions of we humans on this world, each equipped with free will, there is still so much about this world that is not to our liking? 

A: This is not actually our world.


Here’s a thought: if you were forced to give up one of the basic four dimensions in which you exist (and you can’t pick time because without duration you wouldn’t exist at all), which would you choose to do without?

The Marriage of The Moment

Whenever I hear of a marriage after the couple first met a week or a weekend ago, I don’t see love. I see fear. “Wow! I nabbed this person in only a week! Better get it sewn up before they vanish again!!”


Lust is
But one 
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