Blog Archive

Monday, 30 December 2019

The Gift’s In Giving

Come and open,
Reveal your heart,
All its brightness,
All that’s dark.
For only when 
All’s in the light,
Can seeds of peace
In soil be sown
To grow, to flourish 
And delight.

Friday, 27 December 2019

Nightly Flights

In dreams slaves
Are free, unchained.
Gone the shackles, 
Manacles and restraints.
In fantasy they’ve 
The keys and means
To fetter their “betters,”
To ply plaited lashes upon 
Their ex-masters, now in
Collars and stocks,
Held in place by iron 
Locks to weighty
Until up sails the 
Sun, trading dreams 
For dust, freewill 
For must, 
All hope lost
In ropes and knots.

Tuesday, 24 December 2019

The Spelling

Witchy widdershins she
Wove my weird, 
Wildly dancing, arms 
A-waving, deeper 
Into the trance
She dove, chanting 
Cantrips of fell
Import, aimed at 
I all unsuspecting 
That once she’d done 
Undone I’d be 
With all my 
Weal unspun.

Monday, 23 December 2019

Super Shopper Salvation!

We could reduce the number of Christian holy holidays by one if, at Christmas, we crucified the baby Jesus on December 24th and then resurrected Him on Boxing Day. The 24th & the 26th could both be commercial extravaganzas!!

Friday, 20 December 2019


Hate is a heavy 
Weight to carry. 
The years may pass
But the mass won’t
You may forgive but 
It’s too late, for 
Once the bridge has 
Fallen, you’re left 
Calling in the night, 
Alone and eaten up 
By hate’s hot
Lingering blight.…


Once there was
A jester named Lester
Who, when a
Woman was spotted, 
Said, “I shall best her!”
Yet so drunk was he 
He could but suggest,
And while down on his knees,
Able only to plead,
He failed to do more 
Than just pester.


Whip me on
Whip me on 
Whip me on, oh whining wind
Say farewell to kith and kin
Here comes that old 
Hell again, whip me on 
‘Til this day ends
Got no comfort 
Got no friends 
Whip me on to the 
Bitter end 

21st C. Christmas

Crawl across a 
Map in your head
No friends or 
Relations who
Don’t wish you dead 

Saturday, 30 November 2019

Haiku #292

Stoke not rime-rimmed hearts 
False friends freeze when faced with need
Shield your flame ‘gainst thieves 

One Line Poem

If anyone should ever steal my heart, they’d be mired in litigation ‘til death do us part.


The wheel’s been spun,
The future’s come and 
Now, in my estimation,
There’s but one way to 
Win in this situation and 
That’s by learning 
How best to cultivate 
A fierce and finely 
Focused hate.

Friday, 29 November 2019

Ohio (2019)

To kill the healers
No sane State would legislate 
For it’d make it all too clear 
That they rule through fear
And systemic hate

Tuesday, 26 November 2019

Haiku #291

Why, O Lord? O why
Have I been hung out to dry?
Didn’t We have a deal?

Sunday, 24 November 2019

League of Legends

A burning blade to cauterise 
Gaping wounds in battle made,
Mead’s madness hearts enflame
So that swinging sword and 
Hacking axe still the standing slay
As ‘pon the field the berserks play,
Hoarding glory, an eldritch alchemy 
Sending back the flesh of men
To the clay from whence they
Came, for only souls are
Borne away by Valkyries on
Wings of steel through the 
Bloody breeze that the 
Last gasps of heroes breathe,
Leaving then their manly meat
Upon the ground below 
And, as spirits freed, they fly 
To fair Valhalla’s halls, 
There to feast and war
Eternally, while bards do roar
In the rarified air 
High above the lofty skies. 

Thursday, 21 November 2019

Haiku #290

Sad is shadowed day
Yet the Sun, though briefly dimmed,
O’er its portion reigns 


There are thoughts that 

Mustn’t be thought, for

Else you’ll founder ‘pon

The rocks of memory, 

There to drown and die,

Never free.

Tuesday, 19 November 2019

Haiku #289

Truth’s a task to catch 

For it’s not chained just to facts

Read that which you grasp 

Monday, 18 November 2019

Atheist vs Theist: A Weigh-In

I’m feeling compelled to point out a couple of things: 
First, the “debate” between theism and atheism is a non-issue, a disagreement that people are keeping alive for no good reason, because there is no reason involved and, if there was, the topic would have worn itself out long ago. 
Part of the problem is that while debating the theists, atheists fail to recognise that they too are arguing from a point of faith. The basic question is not about how the universe was created. The root question is about the existence or non-existence of some kind of transcendental “supreme being.” Now, the definition of “faith” is the decision to believe in something without the benefit of concrete or existential knowledge. In the light of this, the existence of the aforementioned “supreme entity” can neither be factually proven or disproven. Everyone has the freedom to choose whether to believe in the existence of a “God” (which is much easier to type than Supreme Being) or to deny the existence of a “God” but, people on both sides of the argument should have reason enough to recognise that neither position can be empirically proven to be true. If, for whatever motivation, you feel compelled to take a stand on the question, please do have the presence of mind to realise that you are making a choice to believe something that can never be empirically proven. Ironically enough, it is most often the atheists who allow themselves to wallow in the belief that their stand is somehow a “scientific” one. What hogwash. All they’ve done is chosen one of two hypotheses, neither of which can be demonstrated by direct observation or repeatable experiment. Where is the “science” in that? The religious folks are at least self-aware enough to know that their position can’t be proven. That’s why they have faith in the first place. Only one more point is required to put an end to this ridiculous argument that has accomplished nothing over the centuries except build walls between people, causing divisions instead of unity. Once both sides recognise that they have chosen to participate in a needless argument, they must then also allow for the possibility that the arbitrary position they have chosen might be wrong. Not that it matters when the issue will never be resolved but, it would reduce the amount of acrimony we’ve set loose in the world. 
Personally (if I haven’t made it clear yet), should I be asked where I stand in this (absurd) debate, and my questioner is not satisfied with “I really don’t care,” I will say that I’m an agnostic. In an argument with neither substance nor purpose, sitting on the fence is the responsible position of the reasonable. I see no reason to choose to believe in a hypothesis that is impossible to prove so, the agnostic neither claims that transcendental Powers exist, nor does he claim the equally powerless position that such Powers cannot exist. It’s much like what do you do in an election with two candidates, neither of which you approve of? You stay home; you simply don’t vote.
In closing I’ll reiterate: in the God argument, both atheists and theists hold onto a faith and, in too many cases, neither side is able to cope with the possibility that they might be wrong. And in most cases, neither side is willing to acknowledge that the argument they are keeping alive is just stupid on the face of it and, even more ridiculously, absolutely NOTHING depends on the argument they apparently enjoy to the fullest. Talking heads and rifle rounds: twits, the lot of ‘em.…

Friday, 15 November 2019

Haiku #288

Life’s got one lesson 

Be deft at being bereft 

Nothing comes to stay

Wednesday, 13 November 2019

Haiku #287

Youth’s bliss duty spares

Days free of necessities 

And of life’s full fee

Thursday, 7 November 2019

Haiku #286

Breeze borne leaves foretell 

Samhain signs the year’s decline 

To frost, ice and rime 

Haiku #285

We’re mortal clay ‘til

Life’s masque cracks: naught’s revealed ‘cept

Unused holes for souls. 

Monday, 4 November 2019

Just The Facts, Ma’am

The USA ain’t 

No welfare state ‘cause thems who’s

Gots won’t share their lots

Haiku #284

Love’s a waking dream 

Dreamt in pieces, scene by scene 

Bliss, stretched to extremes 

Haiku #283

If life’s but a game 

‘Twas a fool who set the rules 

A truly cruel fool 

Haiku #282

Thoughts on auction blocks 

Propaganda molds your minds

Zombies all in time 

Haiku #281

The news said love’s dead

Sadder words than Nietzsche’s claim

Won’t fit in my brain 

Saturday, 2 November 2019

Born For Thorns

Until I reach my endless sleep 

No one else shall e’er untangle

The thorny vine of fragrant rose 

With which her love my heart enclosed 

Friday, 1 November 2019

Haiku #280

I am my garden 

Strong as oak, fresh as the wind

Forever renewed

Haiku #279

A banana peel 

The perfect preemptive strike

Against a comic 

Haiku #278

Crazed were the corpses

Prancing midst the Samhain flames

Feasting while fires fed

Haiku #277

Peace is not conflict 

Yet we war with peace as prize

Why pretend surprise?

Haiku #276

Pale masks of beauty 

Pass backed by a rippling stream 

Death’s warped reflections 

Haiku #275

Here’s a thought for you:

Shrinks must try what they prescribe 

Naught else’ll earn them trust 

Haiku #274

Insanity rules 

In these times the sane will fail 

The nuts can adapt 

Wednesday, 30 October 2019

Haiku #273

Memories are snares

The past can’t be lived again 

Hope’s for the future 

Tuesday, 29 October 2019

Haiku #272

Shun your bed for dread

Sleep’s ruled by a blood-drunk Queen 

Whose world thrives on screams 

Haiku #271

I went to the shore

The smells of fish and of leaves

Nature decaying

Haiku #270

Fall is literal 

Nature droops, drops, then decays

Yet it smells so sweet 

My Political Haiku

One vote is harmless 

Many for Trump’s malignant

A terminal lump 

Monday, 28 October 2019

Haiku #269

Time hooks now to then

She still appears draped in kelp

Hell’s gate gapes and waits

Haiku #268

Secretive romance

Kisses hid by shrouding fog

Moistened in advance 

Sunday, 27 October 2019

The Aid Parade

The only times I receive a call 

Is when questions vex or a sudden 

Need for a shoulder or a wailing wall.

If I hear naught, I will surmise 

That friends’ lives are on a rise,

Which will come as no surprise 

For we can’t all live ‘neath a pall

Nor can we all be ‘bout to fall.

Saturday, 26 October 2019

Haiku #267

Peace is your fortune

Gaze at hazy roiling clouds 

Skin thrilled by their sounds 

Haiku #266

My Fate’s fracture-filled

Dire landscape of oubliettes

A rigged Albert Hall

Haiku #265

Menin rannalle

Kalat ja lehdet tuoksui

Luonto mätänee

Tuesday, 22 October 2019

Haiku #264

A fake flake’s a snake 

Eden was lost to a con

Or so goes the joke 

Haiku #263

A season in Spain 

Casting nets for castanets 

Fishing for rhythm 

Haiku #262

Cloaked in illusions 

Rising from her light of lies

Glamorous as sin

Monday, 21 October 2019

Haiku #261

Colour infection

Sense skews in all directions 

Terror blinds the eyes 

Haiku #260

Gnargupple is here!

We’ve but one task remaining:

What are we naming?

Haiku #259

Who needs happy folk?

When you’re stuck without a toke,

Dreaming dreams of smoke....

The Noble Art of Cutting Red Tape

Holy fucking puss-buckets!! With the stream of rhetoric that I just called forth to get my drugstore to release two prescriptions a mere two days early, I could have settled the Suez Crisis! And then the Nobel Peace Prize would have come to ME instead of to The Right Honourable Lester B. Pearson! Shit! I should be sent to the Middle East, where my words would make ragout of the brains of the warring parties and so bring a state of calm to that most annoying contested little sandbox!!

Sunday, 20 October 2019

Haiku #258

Take graham crackers: 

Is there a grain called graham?

What ARE they made of?

Haiku #257

Berserker bands land

Soon York sports a wilder air

With sons strong and fair

Haiku #256

Dragonships be due

Bearing baggage of dread doom

Prepare your prayers 

Friday, 18 October 2019

Haiku #255

Tic by toc cold comes
But summer lives in your heart 
Heat that never parts

Thursday, 17 October 2019

Haiku #254

see and wonder,
Could God have done it better?
(I really hope so…)

Monday, 14 October 2019

Haiku #253

Buttered up and slick 
Would-be friends know all the tricks 
But, then so do I

Monday, 7 October 2019

Fear, Meditation and Poppies

It’s weird and I don’t understand it. I can go for days (weeks? I doubt weeks) living in this box with the closest thing to human contact being the voices that sing to me out of my computer but then, with no warning, a feeling of solitude hits me like a pyramid dropped on me from out of low Earth orbit. It brings along a trailer filled with the threat of panic. I know that’s what I would have to deal with if I can peek out from under the pyramid. That is what opiates are for: they wrap you in a comfy cushion that insulates you from everything uncomfortable. Just lean back into it and soak up the total lack of…well, anything that might cause you pain or fear or the problems that come with being a social animal without a society to belong to. And that society can even be just one other person. I guess that all I’m doing with this perambulating paragraph is using a whole lot of words to describe and define “loneliness” and its potential terror and, therefore, its danger. Yes, when you are of a certain turn of mind, opiates keep you safe. Safe from what, you ask? Safe from yourself really, because if you don’t have SOMETHING to kill the loneliness and the fear and the fear of loneliness, all you have left is the ability to kill. If you lose control of whatever mechanism you have to suppress your feelings. It’s feelings that are the real danger, once you have stripped away all of the layers of its disguises. Opiates are painkillers and what is pain? Pain is a feeling and quite possibly the purest and most basic of the entire range of feelings that you can experience (and if you can’t experience something then it certainly is not a feeling, or a problem for that matter). All of those “centring” exercises? They are all designed to purify your consciousness and to leave only your ego, your YOU, free of distractions. Distractions that include feelings. That centre you aim for IS the essential “you.” Do you think it’s a coincidence that the parts of the world that developed meditation are also parts of the world where opium poppies grow? I think not.

Declarative Statement

If you have to try then you don’t know how to do it.

Haiku #252

I called upon kin

Heard not a word from old blood 

They’d turned to cold blood 

Saturday, 5 October 2019

Haiku #251

Wishing wells can work 

Their efficacy depends 

On your wishing well 

Thursday, 3 October 2019

Haiku #250

States know no firm roads

Electorates digress oft

Few see, fewer care

Haiku #249

Bones of alphabets

Abstruse vocations beget

Degrees of focus 

The Verse’s Curse

Do you know how poets die?
(Trick question: as all know 
The ways are legion in 
Which we go.…)
So, does the Lamp of 
Death, with spectrum wide,
Shine its nightlight in
A multitude of 
Brilliant hues, illuming 
Every cranny, leaving no
Nook in which to hide?
A special shade for every 
A custom colour for you all?
A brilliant grief, decorous 
And discrete, leading
Each wan’dring ghost 
Clear through the 
Devouring night 
With Death as guide,
Who calmly waits in that
Elsewhere, where once-live 
Eyes are so surprised 
To find filled a-brim
With fields of light,
So blinding bright.
So, how do poets die?
I ask since I suspect 
But do not truly 
Know, yet I’d speak no 
Lie if I should say I 
Think I do know why.…
Would I guess true 
If I assumed that you 
Know of Norns, who keep 
The measure of all lives
Whether spent in 
Labour hard or in 
Lordly courts as bards.
There, poets rage and write,
Frayed, flayed, aether-fuelled,
The Muses's serfs.
And should a Muse tire
Of its tool, into its
Dreaming ears
The Muse will 
Hiss and whisper, 
A weird of words to 
Gull the poet, all
Unaware and unawake:
Naught but a fool to fall
Far down the well found at
The root of Yggdrasil,
Full-filled with dark
Depressions, from where
Echo still those killing 
Whispers, sonic toxins of
The Muse who once inspired
The poet of whom it tired.
Now the wretch is fed
His last suggestion: 
"Put down your pen, your work 
Is done.…well, mayhap after one last 
Act, after which we Muses 
Swear and vow to fix your
Works amongst the words 
Of the sages of the ages.
All you need do is 
Make some room, leave
A place open at
The sage’s table for 
A fresher pen in 
The artist’s den.
Step out now from 
The Grand Procession;
Your rôle is done in 
The poetic succession,
And I grow glum and
Of you tired, Sir Versifier.
So, like a witch at work 
Upon some mixture,
I’ll bring to boil the pot
Of Time and from its froth
Conjure forth some newborn
Tool for the endless line
Of puppets who do rhyme.
Now leave us please, 
The Norns have cut
Short your time and 
I’ll no longer you inspire.
I suggest that you give up,
That you give in 
Before your rhymes 
Become your crimes.”

Haiku #248

Crestfallen heroes 

Cities razed but no booty

Blood spilt yet no gilt

Haiku #247

The swamp’s pure poison

Wade its breadth and pull its plug

Naught but Saints can do 

Haiku #246

Ravens, Odin’s eyes, 

Skim and fly ‘round the world wide 

‘Pon all He’ll decide

Saturday, 28 September 2019

Haiku #245

Skies by power torn 

Gaze upon that force and fire

Kneeling, deny pride

Wednesday, 25 September 2019

Haiku #244

You can have thick skin 

You can have nerves of Kevlar

You can still be shot 

Haiku #243

A pain-grey cradle 

The ache to indoctrinate 

Citizens of stone

Friday, 20 September 2019

Twitter “Tastes:” A Rant

What style I have I put down to my affinity for High Concept creation. 

Btw, I can’t really say how much hypocrisy manifests itself on this site but I believe that it’s more than a little. Haiku #241 is worth pointing out. As a haiku I think that it’s not bad at all. It is possibly my first one with erotic overtones (although, having written over 240 of the things, I can’t swear that I have never committed the sin of writing erotica before). I then broke even farther from the expectations of my followers by attaching a pic that revealed (GASP!!) a NIPPLE!!

My account is clearly labeled as NSFW but a follower would have to actually LOOK at the available info on who they decide to follow and I guess that’s too much like acting responsibly. 

But do you know what REALLY cracks me up? My barely erotic (pardon the pun) haiku didn’t get a single Like or RT BUT the next two DID!! The joke? Haiku #242, both versions of it, was completely UNINTELLIGIBLE!! I have no doubt whatsoever that not a single one of my followers can read the Futharc alphabet (ie: Old Norse). So, everyone pretends that sex—even a hint of it—is totally uninteresting, but something that can’t even be deciphered is worth a like, even if it was actually about their mother having anal sex with a donkey while swallowing embryos as if they were oysters Rockefeller. 

Tuesday, 17 September 2019

Haiku #242

Have you the knowledge 

Speak then the runes of power 

Mold thereby your world 

Haiku #241

Restraint’s the best of baits

In hunts eased by willing prey

For games two need play 

Haiku #240

Tether not desire

One’s wants fertilize the mind 

Seed the fields of how

Haiku #239

My mind’s a minefield 

Full of explosive mem’ries

That I cannot touch

Monday, 16 September 2019

Haiku #238

Inflame, aflame, flame

Changes, stages or aspects?

Words are magic’s heart 

Haiku #237

I know how you feel 

May be the most dangerous 

Words that you could say 

Sunday, 15 September 2019

Haiku #236

I’ve cast off my past 

The future’s still not in reach

And now evades me

Haiku #235

Even dumb questions 

Epistemology can 

Somehow justify

Haiku #234

The select elect

We raise to reign o’er us all 

Trust us far too much 

Haiku #233

Time is duration 

The axes of existence 

Needs must last to be 

Friday, 13 September 2019

Haiku #232

Habits support you 

Rituals bind you to Time

And constrain Chaos 

Haiku #231

“Skating on thin ice” 

A warning, not of ice, but

Of the deeps below 

Haiku #230

River’s misty chill 

Flows out’ve eyes that’ve seen too much 

Blown by frozen hearts 

Haiku #229

The voice of despair 

Universal as babies’ cries

No words are required 

Haiku #228

What’s known’s oft unseen 

Fish cannot see the water 

We can’t see the air 

Haiku #227

The after-fear shakes

Leftover adrenaline 

And now the cleaning…

Haiku #226

If I’m feeling safe

I know I’ve made an error:

I’ve trusted someone 

Wednesday, 11 September 2019

Haiku #225

Beyond my four walls, 

The language of solitude:

Leaves whisper, grass sighs

Haiku #224

When you make a wish 

You attempt to change the world 

Not an easy task

Tuesday, 10 September 2019

Haiku #223

Mister Mariner,

I’ve a helpful hint for you:

Toss the albatross.

Haiku #222

Anyone can kill 

Few can artfully damage 

Sculpt like a savage 

Haiku #221

Cold cream covers heat 

A sweet meal conceals your meat

Quick licks as clocks tick

Haiku #220

Cast away your shackles 

They’re only real in your mind 

You’re who lets them bind 

“It’s A Small World But I Wouldn’t Want To Paint It”*

The Earth is covered with different languages and if you replaced each language with a colour, the Earth would be a Jackson Pollock. A simple enough comparison with the one practical problem being the finding of a gallery large enough to allow you to hang the Earth.

(* The quote used as the title is from Steve Wright)

Haiku #219

Make the air sharp frost

Stroke me gently ‘til I bleed 

Your thirst’s end’s my need

No Ledge

If you know nothing about a subject, you can learn about it. However, it’s possible to know just enough of a given subject to be dangerous. A little knowledge can create the subjective impression in an individual that they know more than they actually do. This can lead to bad decisions and, given the social position held by the ignorant decision maker, the ultimate results can be truly disastrous. 

If you are unable to take the above and apply it to a particular contemporary high-level decision maker, then I wouldn’t trust your decisions, either. 

Haiku #218

View folk true and their 


Naught but a frayed scrim

Monday, 9 September 2019

Haiku #217

You left, kept the map

Endless possibilities 

How to choose my path?

Sunday, 8 September 2019

Haiku #216

Purified, priest-picked,

For this trade: Sure what’s-to-be

Through haruspicy

Saturday, 7 September 2019

Haiku #215

Bees we know to buzz

The newest news is buzz too

Our notice needs noise 

Haiku #214

Have we really met?

Dreams enforce uncertainty 

‘Cept for scars we share

Thursday, 5 September 2019

Haiku #213

Birth’s a felony 

That comes with a death sentence 

God’s justice is fixed 

Haiku #212

Lady Snake is lithe 

Slithers ‘tween my skin and dream 

Flays mine mind: I scream 

Wednesday, 4 September 2019

Haiku #211

To hurt is either 

A feeling or an action 

Or both, for the weird 

Haiku #210

If I fell in love 

How dismal it’d be to fall 

Alone and lonely 

Haiku #209

My animal love

Thin film ‘tween your kiss and kill

Yet I gamble, thrilled 

Haiku #208

Aeons of ions

Polish bright the air we lose

Decorate our death 

Haiku #207

What mirror be this?

My heart revealed, draped outside,

Open to all ills…

Haiku #206

Bring fair fare to fairs

The unknown you cannot trust 

Guard ‘gainst fairies’ wares

Haiku #205

Ahead looms a wall 

Approach blocks like rivers do 

Trade time for progress 

Mad Mary

Oh, Mad Mary,

Where are your shoes?

Oh, Mad Mary,

Where are your shoes?

The scabs you’re creatin’

They give me the blues…

Sunday, 1 September 2019


Q: Why is it that while there are billions of we humans on this world, each equipped with free will, there is still so much about this world that is not to our liking? 

A: This is not actually our world.


Here’s a thought: if you were forced to give up one of the basic four dimensions in which you exist (and you can’t pick time because without duration you wouldn’t exist at all), which would you choose to do without?

The Marriage of The Moment

Whenever I hear of a marriage after the couple first met a week or a weekend ago, I don’t see love. I see fear. “Wow! I nabbed this person in only a week! Better get it sewn up before they vanish again!!”


Lust is
But one 
Paid by 



Saturday, 31 August 2019

Haiku #204

She mumbled, rolled close 

Body heat’s a golden gift 

Except when dreams end.…

The “Sudden Knock” Ploy

How often have you heard or read the words, “a sudden knock on the door?” So, could you tell me what other kind of a knock you are going to get? Does the courier yell “I’M GOING TO KNOCK ON YOUR DOOR” before they knock on your door? Sudden: that’s what knocks ARE. Silence > KNOCK

The Fact of Faith

Faith, being both predicated and dependent on ignorance, may sound foolish to philosophical virgins but, insooth, faith is a phenomenologically transcendent state.

Haiku #203

Life is filled with traps 

Many use pity for bait 

Soft hearts chewed apart 

Existential Conundrum One

There’s a simply humongous herd of peoploids out in the world who are impervious to irony. Make it as obvious as you like but it just won’t penetrate. And they have the right to vote!! It’s nothing short of terrifying.…

Faithal Question

Faith is the choice to believe in the absence of proof. Knowledge is the antithesis of faith, which is why gods that demand faith will never provide proof of their existence.

Haiku #202

Orchids are lovely 

Orchids feed on death, not dirt

Beauty’s treacherous 

Haiku #201

The sound of whipping 

Shreds of clothing on the floor 

Prove nothing at all 

(From: “15 Shades of Clay”)

Thursday, 29 August 2019

This Moment’s Thought

If everyone had perfect pitch, baseball games would never end. 

Stock Tip O’ The Week

Given the incredibly rapid and seeming inevitability of human innovation, this is not the most propitious time to invest heavily in the shoelace industry. 

Poetry 101

How do you turn a single line of text into a poem?

Just give the fucking line a title. Done.

Just A Thought

If everyone had perfect pitch baseball games would never end.

The Supreme Irony

Some day I am going to manage to kill myself and that will be the greatest achievement of my life.

Haiku #200

Kick back and relax 

How serious can things be 

While we’re still breathing?


Haiku #199

Don’t know what to do?

You’ve a playground in your head 

To play there, stay there 

Haiku #198

As the skies turn black 

Blow upon the wizard’s horn

Call in a new dawn 

Monday, 26 August 2019

Haiku #197

Love and hate don’t mix

The brain’s just a reservoir 

Filled with what’s put in 

Haiku #196

Sundown skins the sky

Flays it with the knife of night 

Wonders to reveal 


Some do not know.

These are the ignorant.

It’s no insult, only a fact.

Some can be taught.

Some cannot be.

These are the damaged.

Some refuse knowledge. 

These are the dangerous. 

Sunday, 25 August 2019

Haiku #195

The hiss of dry leaves 

Detritus of summers gone 

Memory’s sweet scent 

Saturday, 24 August 2019

The Last Lotto

Believe me when I 
Say I’ve yet to lose 
My faith in the future. 
D’you wonder why?
Because I know 
My neighbours. 
Just as the scientists
Have their Doomsday Clock,
I know that were we really 
Living in the Last Days,
Bookies would have 
Armageddon on the 
Big Board and folks 
Would be betting 
On the year, day, hour 
Of the Celestial Horns. 
Gamblers are, of
Necessity, optimists so
When THEY are weighing 
The odds of The End
Of Days, that’s when you 
Should worry. 


The nomenclature of

The “living dead” is as

Dumb as a zombie. 

If it needs to eat, be

It brains or Weetabix,

Then it ain’t dead. 




Haiku #194

If you can remove 

Inflamed appendices, cool!

Now, what if it’s yours?

Haiku #193

You’ve just met someone 

Ask naught that you can’t answer 

Wisdom isn’t knowledge 

Haiku #192

It’s everywhere 

Yet it’s not where the stuff is 

Both are exclusive 

Thursday, 22 August 2019


You needn’t take 
A trip, cross all those 
Klicks, to Lunar Lady 
Moon just to see  
That humanity’s too
Puny to view.
Should you choose 
To zoom your gaze
Past all the haze to
Let us say, the 
Caribbean isles,
What’ll greet thine
The geography of 
Your holiday dreams, 
Reduced to specks 
Amidst which sits the 
The largest isle and 
The most problematic:
Cuba, a unique spot 
Among specks, an
Odd mishmash of
Cultures and cash
Which, when seen from 
Space, has naught to
Boast of but the fact 
That it looks much like 
A lost moustache 
Sitting not far from 
The American coast. 

Wednesday, 21 August 2019

Questions, Questions

Is it an egg if it has no contents?

Is it an egg if the contents have no shell?

Must all equations rest in balance?

Can you be human without humanity?

Why do we so focus on souls 

When we can’t connect them to life?

Why do we keep asking questions 

When answers are found for but a few?

