Blog Archive

Tuesday, 25 September 2018

Haiku #92

Willows weep dry tears 

Widows weep in wet envy

Sentience breeds pain 

Monday, 24 September 2018

Haiku #91

A landscape of stumps 

Much has been taken away 

Balance is gone too 

Haiku #90

I stretch out my hand 

Another hand gives mine warmth 

No, that was a dream 

Haiku #89

Collapsing stardust 

A universe expanding

How indecisive 

Saturday, 22 September 2018

Haiku #88

White walls and white sheets 

White the elder wrapped beneath 

Darkness ticks, waiting 

Wednesday, 19 September 2018

Haiku #87

O, bringer of Life! 

May your journey be endless 

Trust fuels this process 

Sunday, 16 September 2018

Haiku #86

Stones and bones, scattered 

A diorama of death

Minds rewind used time 

Saturday, 15 September 2018

Haiku #85

Ancient temples rise

Civilisations all fall 

Time wields a cruel sword 

Tuesday, 11 September 2018

Haiku #84

Children fill so fast 

Draining clouds of ignorance 

In the light of facts

Monday, 3 September 2018

Haiku #83

The high-arcing Moon 

Shadows black on frozen air 

Night is a snapshot

Sunday, 2 September 2018

Limerick #1

There was a young whore

Out of Wales,

Whose cunt was all

Covered with snails. 

The slime, she did find,

Dropped one woe from her mind 

And slicked things up nice 

For the males.

Haiku #82

If rust remover

Causes your car to vanish 

You waited too long 

Haiku #81

Objects as symbols

Aphorisms of reality 

Art, predigested

Haiku #80

Everything is 

And altogether comes to

Too much to take in 

Saturday, 1 September 2018

Haiku #79

A cerulean lid

Holds down the chartreuse landscape 

Hues compress the eye 

Haiku #78

Mushroom coloured sky

Seen through windows of splayed twigs 

Memory drinks deep 

Haiku #77

Indoors, a cactus 

Intimations of sere soil

Dry mouths idle, mute 

Haiku #76

All saints and sinners 

Old hands or raw beginners

Life wears you away 

Haiku #75

Indecision rules

Possibilities in flux

Arbitrary moves 

