Blog Archive

Wednesday, 9 May 2018

Execution Innovation, American Style

So, some U.S. states are proposing to execute prisoners by putting them into a room & replacing the air with pure nitrogen. Despite the P.R., death by hypoxia (suffocation) is far from painless; it is torment. The Nazis hung their victims so that their necks did not break. This guaranteed that they would slowly suffocate. Why don’t these states with apparently nostalgic feelings for the old, tried and true, ways to kill people just tie a plastic bag over the heads of the condemned? Maybe being burnt alive at the stake’ll be the next step backwards.

Tuesday, 8 May 2018

Yelling Down A Well

You’ve something to say so
You call and plead for 
But most often you’ll find 
It’s only the fools who 
Are there standing 
To pick up your words,
Like so many turds. They’re
Still puzzled, feel soiled, 
Despite all your toil.
Your epiphanies get left 
On landfills, the final 
Repositories for your visions,
Your breakthroughs, your
Inspirations: all taken as
Mere babble, banal
As the print on a can
Of food for some brand
Of housebound animal.

Friday, 4 May 2018

After Life

Come on, baby, follow 
Me, I’ll lead you straight 
To Hell. 
You may be surprised 
That it’s a land
You already 
Know too well. Still,
Have no doubt, it’s your 
Last redoubt, your final 
Port of call, down at the 
End of the “eternal” fall,
For the bottomless pit 
Does have a bottom 
After all.

