Blog Archive

Sunday, 2 December 2018

A 2,400 Year Perspective On U.S. Politics

History can provide a perspective on modern US politics. Down south of the 49th, politicians seem to be playing musical chairs with their sex scandals and, the higher their rank, the higher are the odds that they will end up in a sex scandal. If what is going on in the United Snakes happened in ancient Rome, most people would just respond to such behaviour with a, “So?” The general is still a great general and who is going to criticise the Emperor, who is still managing to keep the ENTIRE KNOWN WORLD running and fairly stable. However, if you were an aristocrat having an extramarital affair with another aristocrat, the penalty was death. Unless Caesar was feeling frivolous and forgiving, in which case you would be permanently exiled from the civilised parts of the known world, ie: you were fucked. For fucking. That neatly explains the prevalence of sex slaves, because slaves weren’t REALLY people and so fucking a slave didn’t count as adultery. If the Employer Claudius saw The Colbert Report he would not get the jokes (pretend he had a Latin-speaking translator and make SURE that’s Latin and NOT Latino). He’d most likely ask, “what’s the fuss? Just throw that unbelievably stupid orangutan to the lions. And bring me some more waffles.”

Monday, 5 November 2018

Those Pesky Afterlives

You can call any religion “practical” if its doctrine of what happens after our bodies die is correct. Unfortunately, the truth is only known to the dead. And the dead are notorious for being unanimously close mouthed on that (and many other) topics. I think that the dead are being very selfish and incredibly stubborn. It would only take one to settle all of our divisive theological differences. (Although I don’t expect Lazarus to pop up. That poor bastard has already died twice!)

Friday, 2 November 2018

Haiku #94

To a pacifist 

“War hero” is nothing but 

An oxymoron.

Sunday, 7 October 2018

Paradise Loser

Where the air grew wild, 

Blew your hair into your eyes,

Lying on sand still hot from 

The sun.

So close, each to

The other, that our selves

Did inevitably meld into one.

Oft’ did we chance a

Furtive flash of a glance 

At a sky in seeming 

Collusion with the heat 

Of our hearts.

As if by design of a deity,

Up rose the moon, adding

Its gaiety and its sterling shine 

To that of the stars, suspended

Above us, twinkles and blinks,

Affixed so as to ensnare the eye

Of random ramblers, but not the

Gaze of Destiny’s guests such as 

You and I, who need not fear the 

Heavenly spheres.

O! That night of sacred memory! 

When my eyes from you were averted

(Moments rare but needful, so that 

From you I could wrest my next eyeful)

Up I’d look at that inverted

Bowl of lights, crystalline. 

And amidst all of this beauty, 

‘Tween two reed-wrapped dunes,

You rested against me, my arm

Warmly ‘round thee and my

Mind on eternity.…

(I remember it all, the minutest 

Detail, with perfect recall!)

On the breeze-kissed beach,

Far from those who parked 

In cars, for

Our tremulous embrace

Wouldn’t’ve been fit 

For such an artificial space. 

It took the rhythmic rhyme 

Of the rolling waves

Wetly lapping out the time 

For me to hear the silent 

Music of your sighs, which 

Was wedded to 

The light-show glowing 

From your eyes. 

Yes, on that broad beach, by

A lukewarm lake, nearer dawn  

Than the midnight passed, time

Itself held its breath 

While I held you.…

 I don’t wish for more machines,

Talking boxes made of silicon, 

Grander gizmos to sink my 

Money in. 

I’ve come to see technology 

As base and tragic because 

What I really want is magic. 

A magic lamp, a magic wand,

Some magic to bring back to 

Me what has gone. 

Every race that humans run 

Time has already run and won.

A perfect night, a beach and you:

Everything else can be cast away 

If some magic would just 

Stray my way, lift me from this 

World so grey and return me to 

One night, one beach and you. 

Tuesday, 2 October 2018

Haiku #93

The ‘net seems so cool 

Yet in an acute crisis 

Cool’s revealed as cold

Tuesday, 25 September 2018

Haiku #92

Willows weep dry tears 

Widows weep in wet envy

Sentience breeds pain 

Monday, 24 September 2018

Haiku #91

A landscape of stumps 

Much has been taken away 

Balance is gone too 

Haiku #90

I stretch out my hand 

Another hand gives mine warmth 

No, that was a dream 

Haiku #89

Collapsing stardust 

A universe expanding

How indecisive 

Saturday, 22 September 2018

Haiku #88

White walls and white sheets 

White the elder wrapped beneath 

Darkness ticks, waiting 

Wednesday, 19 September 2018

Haiku #87

O, bringer of Life! 

May your journey be endless 

Trust fuels this process 

Sunday, 16 September 2018

Haiku #86

Stones and bones, scattered 

A diorama of death

Minds rewind used time 

Saturday, 15 September 2018

Haiku #85

Ancient temples rise

Civilisations all fall 

Time wields a cruel sword 

Tuesday, 11 September 2018

Haiku #84

Children fill so fast 

Draining clouds of ignorance 

In the light of facts

Monday, 3 September 2018

Haiku #83

The high-arcing Moon 

Shadows black on frozen air 

Night is a snapshot

Sunday, 2 September 2018

Limerick #1

There was a young whore

Out of Wales,

Whose cunt was all

Covered with snails. 

The slime, she did find,

Dropped one woe from her mind 

And slicked things up nice 

For the males.

Haiku #82

If rust remover

Causes your car to vanish 

You waited too long 

Haiku #81

Objects as symbols

Aphorisms of reality 

Art, predigested

Haiku #80

Everything is 

And altogether comes to

Too much to take in 

Saturday, 1 September 2018

Haiku #79

A cerulean lid

Holds down the chartreuse landscape 

Hues compress the eye 

Haiku #78

Mushroom coloured sky

Seen through windows of splayed twigs 

Memory drinks deep 

Haiku #77

Indoors, a cactus 

Intimations of sere soil

Dry mouths idle, mute 

Haiku #76

All saints and sinners 

Old hands or raw beginners

Life wears you away 

Haiku #75

Indecision rules

Possibilities in flux

Arbitrary moves 

Wednesday, 29 August 2018

Haiku #74

Earth’s immune system 

The planet’s spray ‘gainst the pests

That can’t suss that’s us

Saturday, 25 August 2018

Haiku #73

An elderly cat

A threadbare form full of pain 

Murdered out of love 

Haiku #72

Willow bends to drink 

Leaves swim away to make space 

Plants know of karma, too 

Haiku #71

Nights are black as coal

Days are somehow different 

Choose your mood of mind 

Thursday, 16 August 2018

Haiku #70

Dawn’s arrived again 

Shadows bloom like black roses

Life’s born in darkness

Haiku #69

Do memories fade?

Or do your genes absorb them?

Time meshed with your meat?

Tuesday, 14 August 2018

Haiku #68

Cast-off jeans, jackets 

Cast-off lives, the souls they hold 

Value but the bold

Friday, 10 August 2018

Haiku #67

Cannon fodder for 

Shrapnel shot, one second you’re 

Here and then you’re not 

Thursday, 9 August 2018

Haiku #66

I’ve a garden green 

Paths wander within its walls 

Even cells can please 

Monday, 6 August 2018

Haiku #65

This is my story 

Just a simple tale of pain 

We’ll all live again 

Saturday, 4 August 2018

Haiku #64

Those who decompose

Long before they are interred 

Died to hope long ago 

Haiku #63

Sorrow fit to burst 

Beware the claws of strangers

Tears are born of fear

Friday, 3 August 2018

Haiku #62

You’re up on the wire

Wobbling ‘round while looking down 

Dizzy heights; say good night

Thursday, 2 August 2018

Haiku #61

Kalamazoo is

Don’t take it personally 

That’s all you can say 

Wednesday, 1 August 2018

Haiku #60

Innocence ignites

Your breast a strange attractor

Scented sweets beneath 

Haiku #59

Colour me with love 

From the palette infinite 

Eyes fail your spectrum 

Haiku #58

Offerings in urns

Lost lives transmuted by fire

Alchemies that burn

Haiku #57

Dusk’s meal is the Sun

Each night is spent digesting

Each dawn’s proof it failed 

Monday, 30 July 2018

Haiku #56

In this nearly night 

Eyes are traitors, uncovered 

You’ve no secrets left

Haiku #55

No! Not the BABY!

You toss out the WATER first!

There are protocols.…

Haiku #54

Bittersweet is love 

Suck your lime and down a shot 

Fickle fire’s all you’ve got 

Saturday, 28 July 2018

Haiku #53

Pools, stone-encircled 

Trap images of bamboo 

Oceans for goldfish 

Haiku #52

Find a dropped quarter 

Someone’s dream of a fortune 

Investments with depth

Friday, 27 July 2018

Haiku #51

Memory’s a dream 

Hold your breath to see it through 

Kindness is just luck 

Thursday, 26 July 2018

Haiku #50

Fallen are we all

Gravity knows no remorse 

Chalk marks on sidewalks

Wednesday, 25 July 2018

Haiku #49

Infinity lies

The face of forever rests

Dead eternities 

Tuesday, 24 July 2018

Haiku #48

Never cannot be

A reverse with no obverse

Möbius stripped bare

Haiku #46

What gifts from your friends?

Some more cast-off disasters?

And you such a saint.…

Haiku #47

The whip quickly nips

An occult thrill you transmute

Wet, you scent the scene

Haiku #45

Fear lives in the facts

Ignorance can be a shield 

Knowledge cuts both ways 

Haiku #44


Your sweet eyes melt in my mouth 

Beauty, sugar-topped

Sunday, 22 July 2018

Haiku #43

Under cool starlight 

Grass like silver splinters stand 

Fragile symmetry

Saturday, 21 July 2018

Haiku #42


Five syllables in total 

Is this a haiku?

Haiku #41

Born as an ashtray 

The detritus of heaven 

Rut to perfection 

Haiku #40

God’s own boobytraps 

Heaven’s own tiger cages 

Prisoners for praise 

Haiku #39

Row of empty bowls 

Order your architecture 

Emulate a world 

Haiku #38

The beast inverted 

Organs glisten like wet skin 

Kisses suck disgust 

Haiku #37

Craving caught in clay

Sculptures of a ruptured soul

Grace misplaced and cold

Haiku #36

Greasy blessings call

Midnight pleasures blindly seen

Last gasps at sunrise 

Haiku #35

Kisses blow on by

All blustery promises

Wishes come to naught 

Haiku #34

Granny apple, green 

Macintosh, incarnadine

Stoplights on a plate 

Wednesday, 18 July 2018

Haiku #33

Shed no tears of salt

‘Less the salt of iron tastes 

And the Grail overflows

Haiku #32

Rows of crosses stand

Proud around the cenotaph 

Shadows rule high noon

Tuesday, 17 July 2018

Haiku #31

Sadness, it burdens

Melancholy gnaws the soul 

Its trail has grown cold 

Monday, 16 July 2018

Haiku #30

The leaves wave Hello 

In lost tongues the trees whisper 

I can’t answer them 

Sunday, 15 July 2018

Haiku #29

Love’s an octopus 

It’ll grip you yet slip your grasp 

Leaving but regret

Saturday, 14 July 2018

Haiku #28

I moved, she withdrew

I still can’t stand her soap’s scent 

Or wheat fields at noon 

Haiku #27

Moon bleached empty street

Memories like banshees howl 

Night, mirror-bright, mocks

Haiku #26

Love was the live bait 

Hiding the sweet hook I ate 

Pinning me to you 

Thursday, 12 July 2018

Haiku #25

The booted foot slips

Paths offer no guarantees 

Maps are for the lost 


Shall we play that 
Deadly game? Set our 
Hearts to duelling, see who
Is faster at the cut and
Thrust? Or would you 
Rather talk it through?
Shall we be civilised 
Even though I can see 
Through your lying eyes?
As, no doubt, you see
Through mine. 
But let us play this farce 
Of negotiation to its end 
And pretend that friend
Is foe and foe is friend,
Until you or I do tire and 
One does finally do what 
We must: try to score 
With one clean thrust.

Haiku #24

This cold empty room 

No human warmth within reach 

Pale ghosts of lovers 

Haiku #23

Dogs starve, chained, ignored

We’ve walking dead, homeless, poor 

Yet we thrive, wholly blind

Wednesday, 11 July 2018

Haiku #22

The cooling tea sits

Mute testimony to all

Who’ve left you alone 

Tuesday, 10 July 2018

Haiku #21

My love lies shrouded 

O’erfilling my memory 

Like some mourning crowd 

Haiku #20

Though your past be trashed

In your chest resides the key: 

Set free Destiny 

Haiku #19

Come now, call my heart 

You know it well for t’was you

Who took it apart 

Haiku #18

Liberty set free 

A libertine it will be 

Disgust formed of dreams 

Haiku #17

Shades’ skin, skim milk white 

In my mind through all my days 

These eyes feast each night

Haiku #16

Let loose the past’s raft 

Mem’ry nails you to today 

Stay and you’ll decay

Sunday, 8 July 2018

Haiku #15

Enamoured with love 

The binding ties stretch with time 

Toss the dice of loss

Haiku #14

The blood is consumed 

That they call the salvation 

But the Church breathes lies

Haiku #13

Sand in his sandals 

Sand filled greaves, the last Roman

Walks to time’s abyss 

Thursday, 5 July 2018

Haiku #12

Would you rather face

Your greatest fear…but, no, you’ve

Yet to meet its gaze

Haiku #11

A blood bead quivers

As painlessness delivers

My friend, the syringe 

Wednesday, 4 July 2018

Haiku #10

Apple blossoms drift down 

Sweet scented armour white 

And adamantine

Tuesday, 3 July 2018

Haiku #9

Spring winds birth fresh buds

Do tree rings hold memories?

Await the brown of fall?

An End To Means

Acumen is not the destination waiting at your path's end. It was acumen that gave you the mistake you made eight or nine turns back that brought you to where you are now.

Haiku #8

Catafalque, entombed,

Tall rows of bones line the room

Corpse dust lines your nose 

Haiku #7

Predators don’t see

The beauty that they consume 

Needs are blind from birth 

Monday, 2 July 2018

Haiku #6

Wind whipped eyes of dust 

Peer from rags surrender white 

Holocaust recalled


When to life you awake
Again and find that you 
Are your own chief bore,
When the cocktails don’t 
Work anymore but 
Leave you 
Hollow when once
They hit like a 
Boxer’s punch.
When the gleam of gold
In your eyes 
Leaves you cold with 
Bitter chills that you
When all you see is wanton
Waste and dreams of 
Bliss killed by the 
Shit that's all that
Now exists.
You’ve struck the 
Lode of "when,”
That tramples o'er
Your urban cares.

But the hour’s struck!
It’s time to act,
To turn a “how”
Into a “now!”
In passive thinking you've
Been sinking but now’s
The time for action!
Balance your stance,
Be certain of traction
And grab a hold, a
Full twin-fisted grip,
Upon your limp and 
Wasting soul. With what
Force is yours, your full
Store, your stock entire,
Pull yourself out of
The mire you've been 
Living in: pull hard ‘til
You’re past the sill and 
Can see with your opened
Eyes that in a hole you've 
Been hiding and the 
Light you thought 
Was forever lost was
Merely hid by the leaden
Lid you yourself did fit
To seal the bunker which 
You meant your soul to 
Save but which,
Instead, became both 
A prison and a 

Friday, 29 June 2018

Haiku #5

Late for school again 

Today hot mushrooms are served 


Haiku #4

Cold feet on wet sand

Sea gulls soar through salted air 

Memories of nori

The Map Behind Your Eyes

The tale of the tune,
The trail of the moon,
All roads contend the 
Means to the end. Your  
Path you defend, or then 
You pretend
You knew all along  
T'was your secret swan song 
That you sang as you slept, 
And the gypsy was wrong. 

Haiku #3

A graveyard, candlelit 

Race the wind with flaming hand

Blinking spirits plead

Doubtful Explosion

I left a wreck 
My missing mistress 
What happened next?
My total role unwrapped 
And plastered on plastic 
I recall but not 
She was waxing fast 
Polishing the past
We’d come but, 
We’d gone and then 
The hose
And the signs behind 
Nearer, clearer?
Our time was ticking 
Taking place…
We fled, reeling
Trading places 
Wiping traces
What did?
She waxed so fast 
The future?
Fields of sutures
My missing mistress is 
All I recall, doing her
Bent, fecund and fruity
And then she blew or
Did I?
A fuse?
Or a ruse of Time…?

Haiku #2

Somewhere behind me 

Gaps in the leaves, windy holes

A stone finds water

Wednesday, 27 June 2018

Haiku #1

Gazing at the sea
The waves ignore enqueries 
Like the thoughts of rocks

Saturday, 23 June 2018


Here I lie on 
The far side of why
Nursing my heart turned 
To stone in what 
Passes for my home.
But that’s also a lie 
When there’s only 
So I became an 
Aerial, while I’ve still 
Time before my burial.
I tune my thoughts to 
The emission of my
Emotions in all 
Directions, with scant
Hope that your powers
Of detection can pick 
Up my transmission, 
My total submission 
To you and the chance 
That you’ll come back,
Undo the fission, my
Fatal commission,
When I split a whole 
With one damned act,
Becoming but half,
Losing my soul and 
Dooming myself to 
Eternity on a rack.

Wednesday, 20 June 2018

My Threnody

Staying alive by holding stone-cold hands with a ghost. When the light frightens, close your eyes.
When the night tightens, say goodbye.
The view from the peak of Lonely Mountain astounds but there is no sound for the air's too thin, too thin and sheer to hide your hideous grin of naked fear, your true self come for one last look, a final sight for your soul to carry as a small balance to steady the ship--then Panic boards, the engines roar and off you soar for an eternity of flight.…

Wednesday, 13 June 2018

Again We Wake

Again we wake 
This blessèd night 
Your thighs do grasp
My soul so tight and 
As you squeeze and I 
'Cross our secret 
Hellespont, your 
Moan I suck unto 
The skies, 
Your wet seduction 
Sweet balm applies
To stiffened member 
Which does work
Your pleasure, oh so
Keen, that 'tween it 
And pain in joy
You scream.   

For you inspired, m'lady,
A lust required to 
Open up your
Second lips, their juices 
Sweet and salty flow 
From out your kisses 
Down below.

Slough The Husk

Slough the husk, broach the sky!
Through dewdrop sundered sun I 
Fly, ever higher heights I spy
As I scheme
To fracture heaven's dome. 
To leave but Night
Which I'd cross alone,
With tortured mem'ry
Search for home.

The Woman

The woman doth 
Damn with faint praise 
Her ends to achieve. 
To right 
Some imagin'd wrong 
From sinister years remember'd. 

The mem'ries, false and hard,
Do by warp and weft deceive; 
Past's tapestry unravels fast,
Present's will does wipe it clean, 
Replacing fact with ill-willed dream. 
Ego, id and all between 
Lie isolate as Judith 
Does depict the scene.

Monday, 11 June 2018

The Cardinal Point

Grip your ribs then
Rip, and so expose 
The lodestone that
Is yours alone:
Your heart, the pulsing 
Magnet of your soul.
Now feel the keening wind
That blows so cold,
Nature’s Novocaine to
Dull the pain as you 
Explore the gleaming 
Contents, the slime and 
Shine, of your wet  
And throbbing core.
But as you probe,
Peel back the films
That lie in layers 
‘Neath your skin,
Can you find your 
Body’s clock? Your 
Will that felt as solid 
As a rock? Does your 
Digging cause to appear
The conscience that you 
Thought so clear, so
Clean, without a smear?
And what clammy cavity 
Did enclose your moral 
Compass? Did wet fingers
At last expose the 
Glistening vault that 
Did it encompass?
Now that you’ve undone 
The zipper of your 
Torso with more care
Than Jack the Ripper, 
Have you learned at least 
That there’s no magic in  
The meat separating
Man from beast?
Even if you emptied all,
Every organ did remove 
‘Tween your breastbone
And your spine, you’d
Never find the key to 
Man, for both the lock
And key are but ghostly
Goals, dreams on deposit,
Invested by the human 
Race in the mem’ry
Banks inside the space 
Wherein you reside and 
Which you’ve chosen 
To call your mind. 

All Things End…

It is simple:
You shall never know what you have lost 
Because you never knew what
It was you had.
Think no farther, for 
There is no future.

Sunday, 10 June 2018


“Deception” is 
Indeed a slippery word,
Its definition depending 
Upon its perception,
Meaning one thing 
If it’s seen and 
Quite another if
It’s heard.
Your understanding eye 
Believes it sees “to deceive”
But your ear does not lie
When it receives to “de-sieve.”
To “de-sieve” is to blend 
Together, to recombine the 
Discrete bits of a broken 
Whole and, in so doing, let 
That which was shattered,
Dismantled and scattered,
Reunite and begin to mend.
So, after that rambling amble, 
Perhaps ‘tis time to 
Ask whether “deception”
Might not, as a word,
Be due a more positive 

