Blog Archive

Tuesday, 26 September 2017

Irony In The Fire

What a jest,
That the love who
Left and left 
You dismembered, 
Should be the one 
That you remember 

Sunday, 24 September 2017

The Limits of Genius

Leonardo Da Vinci's notebooks show that he predicted many inventions long before they came to be but, the parking ticket wasn't one of them.

So She Shines

Her face, her eyes:
The perfect disguise 
For a soul so bright
I could see her at night 
With no moon or stars 
Dripping light.

Saturday, 23 September 2017


In dreams, you feel and find
My touch as fine as 
A spider's line. 
Both thrill and fear, 
You know I'm near and 
Quiver as I bide my time…

Friday, 22 September 2017

Questions, Questions, Questions

I woke up today filled with a powerful sense of self-loathing. I realised that buying anything is disgusting and wasteful unless one has a plan for living forever. Why must we be born at all if we are here for only a moment? Evolution is a trick, a clever illusion that makes life seem to make sense by covering up the real questions with an appearance of order and inevitability that causes a response in us, the observers, of something like, "Aah, yes! Of COURSE!!" We get so dazzled that we forget what we came to ask in the first place: why is there any life at all? Here the creationists have the edge since their view of the question allows them to answer that "why" with a self-consistent "because." They have no need to go any deeper into it because only a fool would claim to know the mind of God. But science leaves us with a Chinese box-puzzle that offers up a new question right after we have solved the previous one and there are those who thought that we had just reached the end of the chain and now we knew it all. No. That was a delusion and only a temporary one at that. Science offers no Final Solutions, no end to the flow of inquiry. In large part this may be because science is unable to give us a beginning, either. It is no surprise to me that there are scientists who possess a deep religious faith of some kind: since their calling has no chance of ever being perfected to the point where it can answer the "why" questions that bracket our existence, it is only natural that the human who is a scientist would also want to have a measure of peace. Since Creation and science are not mutually exclusive, you can have your peace and pick away at it on weekdays as well.

Steaming Dreams

Moist, hot, asleep 
Upon my cot, your 
Animal soul a promise 
Of a bowl of 
Coals aflame, too hot 
To hold, too dear to not.

What Weird Desire

What weird desire 
Makes it rain, putting 
Out itself on fire? Else,
The tender tinder 
'Tween thy thighs'd
Burn ever higher
With every sigh…

