Blog Archive

Monday, 7 November 2016

No Revolution Tomorrow!

What REALLY bugs me is that the vast bulk of people actually believe that "social media" EXISTS. The American ones spend their days opposing universal healthcare but don't blink when they get to use Fb or Twitter or whatever, for (apparently) "free." Somehow the lack of a monthly fee suggests to their medullas that all those servers and optic fibre networks were set up "for the people." The fact that Twitter (to name only one as an example) is OWNED by Microsoft is ignored. I suspect that if they didn't ignore it, it would cause cognitive dissonance and force them to think the whole picture through in order to relieve the semi-conscious distress that they are feeling.
That is what I am attempting to do, albeit a bit sideways: make people uncomfortable to the point where they are pushed back from their lapper's and phones a little and regain the chance to get some perspective. 
Sure, use the system, in the full knowledge that it is set up for marketing. If you remain aware of that all-important fact, you CAN use these privately financed sites but without co-operating with them. Like, the next time you are approached with a "lifestyle questionnaire" or when you type in a description of yourself on a site registration page, lie. You may risk seeing ads for shit you are not really interested in but that's it. The only risk. So lie your head off. Get creative. Make all the shit up. It won't harm anything except that the picture the marketers build up about their audience will get skewed. And get other people to do it. In the 60's this sort of non-violent activism was called "passive resistance." The world has changed technologically but people are pretty much always the same and the tricks used back then still apply, although some of the implementation details have to be modified. But don't be defeatist because the only thing you will defeat is your own freedom. The Revolution is ALWAYS possible, as long as there are those who want it to happen.
For an even more painless way to begin, get into over-paying your bills by 2, 3 or 5 cents. No more than that or it won't look like a mistake due to a lack of concentration (which is what the Internet promotes anyway; give 'em the impression that it's working).

Don't expect to wake up one fine day to a different, sane and just world. It won't simply happen. There will be no revolution tomorrow. The Revolution must be NOW! An eternal revolution in the continuous present, which is inherent in the word, Revolution: the turning of the Wheel. But it won't turn if you don't touch it; the Wheel is kept rolling by people-power and it gets easier, requires less effort, once it has begun to turn even a little. And it should be obvious that the more people there are doing the pushing, that much lighter is the task of any given individual.
We have talked about this since the expulsion from the Garden. What if we finally just got down and did it? Then we could talk about something else without that nagging feeling that we're forgetting something.…

